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Do you always end up having sex with someone in past if you meet up alone?

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I think it depends on how the persons both feel at that time. One person may have moved on from that time when they were having sex so are no longer interested. Or maybe the sexual side between them was so good that nobody ever came close to replacing the person since and they are instantly attracted as soon as they meet up again. You need to give more info.

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Hmm in my expieriences I find that I want nothing to do with them. Mabey it depends on the circumstances that you went throu with ex lovers? I was with 2 guys before my boyfriend. The guy who took my virginity was 5 years older then me and I told him to stop and he wouldnt so I felt and still to this day felt raped by him. He even years down the road came and apologized to me on the street at a carnival. The second guy was a real jerk he tryed to kiss my best friend when we were still dating and she calmly slapped him in the face:lmao: . Now I have a good man and my eyes are only on him and I feel blessed to have found him:love: .

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Pink Amulet

I would rather swallow razor blades than sleep with the man I was sleeping with for the past five years........ NEXT PLEASE! :laugh:

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does a man/woman always WANT the person sexually they have had sex with before?

No. In fact, I just turned one down today.


is the attraction always always there?



It depends a lot on the type of relationship they had, how they felt about each other, the circumstances around why it ended, etc.

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There is no absolute rule and there could never be. It entirely depends on the two people and how they feel. The attraction could die for the person, or it could come back where it wasn't before. People's feelings, minds and bodies change over time, often. Also, the attraction might be there but one or both might decide to fight it and not act upon it.

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The reason I ask is...


I am female 25. Until this Feb I was in a FWB situation for 1.5 years with a man ten years older than me. We were doing each other till the last night i left the united states. I moved to India. Since then other than basic group emails, he hasnt called or Imed.

I am going to visit DC this september and i said this in a group email and he replied saying I wont be there until so and so date coz ill be in europe.

I just dont know if i "feel" the same way. It has no meaning and will never go anywhere.

ALthough I havent been with anyone after him and I see no harm in having some fun, it feels as though i am going back to somethign meaningless and i dont feel close to him.

I have been giving positive vibes but suddenly i have been feeling like i wont be able to do it.

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been with anyone after him and I see no harm in having some fun, it feels as though i am going back to somethign meaningless and i dont feel close to him.


I don't mean to sound condescending, but if this was just FWB, was there really much meaning there in the first place?


In any case, if it doesn't feel right to you, then don't do it.

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People tend to regret their virtues more than their vices.


If you want it that bad... just do it. Then move on.

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does a man/woman always WANT the person sexually they have had sex with before?

is the attraction always always there?

Noooooooooooo... the people I've slept with in the past are the LAST people on earth I'd have sex with now. If I had to have sex with my first BF of 6 years now, I would puke. And I loved him and desired him so much at the time. Ugh...yuck! :sick:
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Nope. When it's over, it's over. Fini. Done. Buh-bye.


this is true for me as well. it's usually some time before i've broken up with a guy that i've found him unattractive, so by the time the breakup occurs, i am not about to go back to what i was trying to escape the most.

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It really just depends on the person(s). Most of the men that I've been with I don't even want to see again because of whatever situation, but there are two men in my life that I find fabulously, intoxicatingly (is that even a word? haha) sexy and would drive hours and hours to be with them. For whatever reason geography hasn't worked out for us & the relationships never progessed beyond fwb's, but I'm sure (at least with one of them) it would if circumstances were different. The other one is just pure, awesome sex, but we know each other so well we can anticipate what the other's thinking, etc.- it can be really, really difficult to turn down great sex!

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I think men usually want one for old time's sake more than women do.

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does a man/woman always WANT the person sexually they have had sex with before?

is the attraction always always there?

Absolutely unequivocably NO!!!!!!

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People tend to regret their virtues more than their vices.


If you want it that bad... just do it. Then move on.


And that's a familiar saying, but most people I know in their gut regret their vices far more.

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does a man/woman always WANT the person sexually they have had sex with before?

is the attraction always always there?


I haven't seen my ex in years and years...And if I ran into him I'd probably still feel some sexual attraction to him but there is NO WAY IN HELL I'D have sex with him. More because I'm married now, but even if I was single, I would NOT act upon ANY attraction even IF it were still there.


He's an EX for a reason, even if the sex was really good.

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I will go against the majority on this one it seems. Many of my ex's I am still friends with. I have never had any bad break ups and I like to think I had good taste in women and still think very highly of the majority of them. I'm married now so I would never go there but I would say there are dozen or so ex's that if i was single I would certainly reshag! Fact is some of them were not relationship material but dynamite in bed...why the heck not.


There are always the ones you left behind for a reason and should stay in your past but I think there are those that still carry a connection and a pleasant feeling to be in their company again. To each their own.

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I have to be honest here. If I had a chance to have sex with the last 3 boyfriends again, I say , Heck yea :) Only because they were handsome , great bodies and good in bed.


Would it be as good ? I would have to find out.

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does a man/woman always WANT the person sexually they have had sex with before?

is the attraction always always there?

who know's the answer to that one? i've been on the phone with my X a lot lately & if the oppotunity was there i'm not sure we wouldn't have sex but that's all it would be is sex, cuz i'm not in love with him or do i even care about him much. even the sex thing is questionable!:sick:

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:) i think it depends on your relationship when you split! my X & i have been talking for a couple of months now & i don't think we would end up having sex if we had the chance cuz it wasn't that good when we were together! i really believe it makes a difference wheter you had great sex or just okay sex!
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If the sex was good when you were together, you will still crave the sex in the back of your mind, provided they don't put on a lot of weight. I know a couple of ex's I wouldn't mind shagging again; the relationship is a different matter.


Even so, I think people can understand that what they want and what they should do under certain circumstances are two entirely different thing. As Tudor said, if someone's in a relationship, that changes things a bit. I would not cheat on my current gf with one of my past gf's (or with anyone for that matter). Not everyone's the same, but most people are, I think.


I don't have a problem with an ex being a friend of my girl as long as they don't spend time one-on-one - that is where people can get confused about their feelings. Some people might be cool with two ex's hanging out together alone, but not me - that's where I would draw the line.

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