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Anybody out there taking fish oil supplements? In some of the reading I've done, fish oil is described as a "negative calorie" supplement, insofar as it helps burn extra calories and can thus assist with fat burning and weight loss. Opinions, anybody?

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Opinions, anybody?

Most of these so-called "supplements" (which are quite expensive BTW) are totally worthless. If you eat a balanced diet (including real fish) you get all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs.


No one needs 7,000% of the daily recommended intake of Omega-3. Your kidneys will just piss out the 6,900% that you don't need.

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There's no such thing as a 'negative calorie' anything. However many studies supported the use of fish oil. Check out NIH for 'fish oil' or read Wiki for info and links to research. There's debate about its benefits for the heart but has been shown definitively to benefit the brain.

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I take 2000mg a day. I have heard it helps the heart, but I take it for the brain. I have chronic, mild depression. By taking fish oil and maintaining a strict cardio workout, I can avoid taking meds. Works for me.


And yes I know I can get the same from eating fish, but I can't stand the stuff. I'll keep taking the capsules. ;)

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I doubt it's negative on calories. It's probably good for you though. But it's a little rough on the fish stocks.


I take flax seed oil.

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I've never used fish oil, but the idea is to get plenty of "good fat" in your diet. I rely on olive oil, avacodos, and flax oil.

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A number of years ago they advertised a product on TV called "Dream Away" that was supposed to burn calories while you were asleep.


The principals of the company were indicted, tried, convicted, fined and recently got out of prison on parole. I think it was the prison food, and not "Dream Away,' that helped them shed their extra pounds...haha!


Until the end of the world there will never be a product that you can ingest to "burn" calories just as no long distance telephone company will ever get you a line to heaven.


There are benefits to fish oils but they have absolutely nothing to do with weight loss or control.

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As far as supplements that burn calories while you sleep, most diet pills do that in that they work similar to caffeine and most if not all include that as an ingredient. Your heart beats faster and you burn calories, but it is not healthy at all.


As far as fish oil capsules, the ones I take have 25 calories each. I think the term negative calories means that it helps you digest your food more smoothly and helps your body work better so overall it burns calories while doing these chores. The foods we eat are depleted of nutrients. The fake sugar in most foods and diet drinks tricks your brain to ignore you are full so with that in your bloodstream, you keep eating all day without knowing if you are full or not. By eating more, food companies sell more of their products.


Back to fish oil. Ever since I started taking them, my depression and mood swings disappeared, my skin glows and I feel healthier all around. I also take other supplements. Whenever I get lazy and stop taking them, I end up feeling and looking awful and eat more too since you have to eat forever to get close to the amount of nutrients you get in supplements, so without knowing it your body keeps eating more and more. I'd rather take in too much nutrients and have my kidney flush out the excess, than suffer from malnutrition that leads to high cholesterol, mood swings, poor vision, diabetes and so on.


It is a shame everyone doesn't take them but instead relies on big food corporations who remove nutrients and replace them with hazardous chemicals to improve shelf life to get their nutrients from.

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The best way to get your body to burn more calories is to do weights and add muscle. Pills can be dangerous. What's the point of being thin and sick?

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