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Why Come Clean Now??

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As some people on here already know I've still been seeing my f buddy after a year. It was about 2 months ago (so about 9 months into the relationship) when him and I were at a club. We were both pretty drunk, but the whole night we were holding hands, kissing, etc. BUT later on that night while we were at the club, (I don't know if this was out of drunkeness or not) he told me that he had slept with another girl right after he met me. He kept saying that he was wrong doing it, but it was early on when we barely knew each other, and that he used protection. Well I got upset because for that whole time (9 months) I hadn't slept with anyone else, so I felt kinda cheated in a sense. We've always had friends of the opposite sex, although we do get jealous of that from time to time, but I still kinda wonder if he has slept with anyone else since that time. I'm not trying to be naive about it, but I'm wondering why he told me that, was it just to stir things up or was he feeling guilty? Now I'll be honest, when we were on a month long break I messed around, but I really believed that I wouldn't ever see him again because I thought we were done with. Well obviously we are back together again, it's coming up on a year that I've been with him every week, most weekends, except for the month we were apart. We both know that we still care for each other, I made that kinda evident just the other day when I helped him look for his cat at 3 am in the morning. Now if that's not dedication of how much I care for him, I don't know what is! I'm still kinda uneasy to just assume that he's not sleeping with anyone else, the only thing why I don't think he does is that I see him every week and like I said mostly every weekend. I know that's also a naive way of thinking, but I want to know for sure so what is the best way to ask him, without him getting defensive?

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Does anyone have any insight on this? I know I talk about this guy alot, and I may ask stupid questions, but I'm just really confused. I've been with him for a year now, he's 31 so I 'm not sure when he'll want to settle down if ever, you would think he'd be more mature at that age!

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