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pleaase dont hate me i cheated!im messed up!

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Well i have a bf who i live with and we have a 17 month yr old boy.Ive been living in this house for just over a yr.I thought i loved my bf but for a while now i dont want to sleep with him or kiss him or anything because i just feel so miserable.


Hes always moaning and never wants to do anything with me.I like going out but hed rather just stay in when hes not at work.I can understand this but i get so bored.I go out on saturday nights with a friend whos a bloke(my sisters bf,i used to work with him b4 they got together).Ive told him that im miserable but i cant leave because i dont want to hurt him.Hes said before that hed kill himself if i ever left him.

I ended up cheateing on him with my sisters bf's nephew whos 31(im 21)twice it happened and then i stopped doing it.

But now ive ended up liking this lad whos my age and hes really nice to me he thinks he loves me.


I just dont know what to do.I know everyone will think im awful for cheating on him.I dont agree with cheating myself but my head is just so messed up.Please dont have ago at me i already know im in the wrong.I just need to know what to do.Me and my bf have a mortgage and a toddler i cant just get up and leave.What if i was making a huge mistake?I always mess things up.I feel like crying because i cant talk to no one about this.


Please someone help!

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