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so my girlfriend tells me that if i ever cheated on her, she would not be able to leave me. and then expectes me to feel the same way about her, but i dont. i dont know if i could ever forgive her if she cheated on me. my question is after a loved one cheats can the relationship come back, or will it forever be tainted until the two of you eventually break up?




i guess i feel that if i was cheated on, my trust would be broken, and not to mention that from then on id always second guess her integrety when she told me something, i dont know if i could ever trust her again. and if i did stay doesnt that tell her that im ok with being cheated on?

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so my girlfriend tells me that if i ever cheated on her, she would not be able to leave me. and then expectes me to feel the same way about her, but i dont. i dont know if i could ever forgive her if she cheated on me. my question is after a loved one cheats can the relationship come back, or will it forever be tainted until the two of you eventually break up?




i guess i feel that if i was cheated on, my trust would be broken, and not to mention that from then on id always second guess her integrety when she told me something, i dont know if i could ever trust her again. and if i did stay doesnt that tell her that im ok with being cheated on?


My ex said the exact same thing a year into our relationship. 3 years later, she cheated on me, told me she didn't regret it because that's how she knew she loved me, and said "but I always said I'd forgive you!"


lawlz Later bitch! I think it is workable if you seek external help. The problem with me was that she just continued to be her selfish self only 5 minutes later. I told her she has a lot of growing up to do and I don't want to deal with the little girl she is any longer.

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