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Pre-wedding jitters from hell

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I will be married for 2 years in August. From experience the problems you have BEFORE the marriage gets magnified by about 10 AFTER the marriage. It sounds like she's ready for the wedding but not the marriage. Counseling is a must and I would start calling for one today. Most often communication problems are the demise of marriages.


To most women the wedding is 'their day' and like most men just give them majority of the decisions. However she needs to realize that this is not going to be the norm for everything that goes on in the marriage. That she didn't marry a 'yes' man or basically married a butler. You need to set boundaries on what is acceptable and what isn't and you both need to start forming that bond again. She absoletly needs to set time for you. Why would you marry someone who's just going to brush you off? Don't get married for the sake of getting married.


These are more than just pre-wedding jitters, these are signs of communication problems. Right now her focus is on the wedding and she's seemed to have lost track on the marriage that she's going to have to be facing for the next 50 or so years.

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