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Sux To Be Me

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Im in a crappy situation right now, which to alot of people might not seem to bad, but its causing me grief, keeping me up at nights and taking away my hapiness.


For me its in the work place, and what was an awesome 6 month fling and great friendship has now turned to dirt... It turned to dirt the day I confessed I had feelings for her... This girl was my best friend and it eventually lead to more....


I now find myself trying to avoid her 24/7 whilst at work and it isnt easy. I have also noticed that she has ressentment towards me now as I barely acknowledge her anymore and I find myself avoiding any social aspects of work at all. She too barely talks to me anymore.


Its sad really it has to come to this but what can you do? Im sure she knows im bitter about all this and it seems like that she just dosent care any more..


It sux when people do a 360 on you ....


Im also looking for advice on this matter, cause I gotta work with her untill the end of the year....


Our work has a huge day at the races planned for tommorrow which I really was looking forward to, but now that I know she is going I dont wanna go! man.. Do I have to avoid every social thing till these feelings subside and am I doing the right thing?


Any advice would be great... and yes I know ive fked up dating/fling with a co worker...

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So if I've got this right, when you told her about your feelings, she didn't reciprocate. This hurt you, you started avoiding her, and now she's pissed and avoiding you.


Basically, you are going to have to suck it up and learn to get along. Sure, it sucks that she isn't in to you as much as you are in to her -- but that's life.


My advice is to sit her down, apologize for avoiding her and acting weird and explain that it was because you were hurt. Then, simply just act nice to her from now on. You don't need to be her friend any longer, but smile, wave, say Hi, etc. While you are still hurt on the inside, limit the time you spend with her by acting busy and move along to your next destination as quickly as possible. Act as happy and busy as you can. This will start to give you internal satisfaction that you don't need her, and soon enough, you will be really happy and more attractive to other women.

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