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is it love?

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:( so i guess its my turn. i've commented on similar situations but i dont know how to deal with my own. i have a bestfriend who i have know 15 out of the 18 years of my life. i've fallen in love with this boy. i love everything about him. but i dont know how he feels. the other day we were having a conversation. he realized why his relationships failed. he said because he was in love with someone else. he always has been. my heart at the moment became so warm because i just knew he was speaking of me. i suggested that he tell the girl. he says that he has and that he'll wait for her since she has a bf. also they've talked about marriage...what?? i didn't understand. at that moment my heart shattered into a million pieces. but i'm still manage to love him with the little pieces. my feelings for him are still the same. he sends me signals that he likes me but then he has sex with other girls and probably gives them the same thing. we tell each other everything but lately he's been holding out, and i have to find out from someone else. i dont understand why he just cant tell me. i wont judge him.this makes me so mad:mad: .this is where i need help. am i over reacting with him not telling me things? does he feel the same way? should i confront him?


i just dont know what to do.

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The two of you are very young. It's really unfortunate you are a good friend of his and in love with him while you watch him sew his wild oats. He's got a LOT of years before he settles down with one person. Meanwhile if you spill your guts to him, yes, you could have a bit of a fling but then your friendship will be screwed and he'll be off to someone else.


As hard as it may be, if you really feel this guy is the love of your life just resolve yourself to being his friend and gradually show him your fondness. Just don't go too far until the time is right. This is a very tricky situation but right now is not a good time for either of you to take things to the finish line. He's still enjoying the races.

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