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Good Ideas !!!!!

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Okay, well there this Girl from my work, We are becoming very close. We have known each other for about 8 months and just the past couple of months we have been closer than the start. We pretty much go out and hang out together, The mall, movies and watching movies at her place. Nothing sexual at all. She mentions the title of us just being ''best friends'' But I believe it's developing closer than just best friends. I really like her and from what I am told she likes me as well. Anyway, She is very independent and she likes to be fair with the cost of fun for us, when we go out. Last night she bought really nice stuff for my truck and even though I know she has obligations with rent and bills. I want to get her something real nice that give an appreciation to our relationship... I want some ideas of what to get her???? Thank you for reading..........

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What are her interests? What does she like? Where does she spend most of her free time? What made her think to get you something for your truck? *In general*, people tend to give the types of gifts they like to receive.


Anything that shows that you pay attention to her interests and put a decent amount of thought into it is likely let her know you truly appreciate her friendship. (Which, in my opinion means anything EXCEPT flowers, candy, or a stuffed animal! Save that stuff for something like Valentine's Day...:\)

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