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he cheated Kinda

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ok my boyfriend and i have been together for a little bit over a year. He has an ex girlfriend that just will not leave us alone. We are about to have a family in december and i don't want to deal with her stress. Well i thought it was her that would not leave us alone. Around June 10th I got fed up with her talking wrongly about me and saying rude things when she saw me. I didn't understand why when if i saw her i would respect her and look or walk the other way. so on the tenth i sent her an e-mail asking her to leave us alone. She then responded saying it wasn't her that he calls her all the time and that they have been having intercourse since we first got together. In the beginning i was skeptical about him. I knew they had a lot behind them yet didn't know exactly how much. I didn't want to believe anything she said, so i called him at our friends house and told him to come home. When he got home i asked him. He said that he never slept with her but that she had been giving her oral sex. He said it had stopped. I believed him and ever since he has spent everyday with me. He never comes home late and we live together so i asked him how and when. He said when he would play basketball they would go to her sisters house. So since then he has not gone to the basketball courts without me. He told me it stopped a long time ago when i asked him if he planned on stopping it. Today i stumbled into his messages/e-mail and there were messages from her saying he puts her on an emotional rollercoaster everytime she sees him. Also another read that he wrote to her that he told her he had me and they talked about it at her sisters house a few days before. this was june 7, so it didnt' stop as soon as he said it did. i need help he cheated on me, he said it happened a lot and that it was done. does anyone have any advice to give me. please help

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if i found out the guy i was with was tongue-ing another woman's pink parts, he would be gone. and i would not believe that was all he was doing. i'm sure he was getting something out of it too.


you already know what he did. only you can decide what you're going to do about it.

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I'm very sorry to tell you that what you already know is definitely true! You already know that he's cheating on you and that you should leave him. You know that there is no working it out, or that he is not going to suddenly be faithful to you.:( Sweetie it is too dangerous these days to be with a cheating man. He broke your heart, dont let him ruin your life!


I'm sorry hun but your guy has to go. Or you do. One or the other no ifs ands or buts.

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and he didn't cheat "kinda". he cheated.


so who's doing all this calling to your boyfriend, if not the ex?

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Well it's a good thing that he was honest however he is still wrong for what he did. Do you trust him now that you know this. I cannot believe he had the nerve to do these things to her while you two were together that is total disrespect. I am not the kind to say "leave him alone" because I know that things are so much easier said than done. But if you do choose to continue on with this relationship that means you will have to keep your eyes and ears completely open. I feel so bad for what happened. How do you feel? I would be crushed if heard this. I hope that he doesn't do anything like this again.


I wish you the very best

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well i feel hurt and i know i am now going to have to keep my ears and eyes open a lot more. i am crushed and the only other thing that bothers me is i am 4 months pregnant. he was not the one giving the oral sex she was giving it to him. he has since left her alone and i check his mail everyday. there is no longer a minute that we are not together yet it just hurts that he could do this to me. they only people he talks to or that truly know him are his two best friends. we'll say joe and john so i was talking to one of them last night and he helped me to put a security on our relationship and he is going to talk to my guy to let him know exactly how everything is with me. i am keeping a close no closer eye on him now than ever before and so far he has proven to me everything will be ok. but than again he is a guy. i just want certainty in our relationship a security. i'm not saying for us to get married or anything i just want him to somehow let me know everything will be ok and that nothing will go wrong again. he already has his mom after him for wat he did so we'll see how it works out in the long run. only time will tell.

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