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I think I am in love...

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Well, through a profile based website I met a girl who I really enjoyed chatting away to so we exchanged email addresses. For a few months we continued to chat on instant messenger. She then asked if I would like to meet her. Since I can drive and could make the 2 hour journey, I agreed. So we met and she was everything she said she was and more. I now see her regularly in spite of the distance.


I really considered her my friend. I love talking to her. We have similar backgrounds and I just love to be with her. I do love her and I know that she loves me.


I think about her all the time. Little things like things she would say and do, how she smells and the way she smiles. I feel really at peace with her.


I believe I am in love with her. Is it wise to tell her?



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This sounds like infatuation to me but why not keep going with it and see where it ends up. It COULD be love.....

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What you love is the image you've created of her. You won't understand this until you meet her. We can be very good at persuading ourselves that we can know them online. We can't. So don't say anything you might have to take back later.

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