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Tony, I know you really DO NOT like it,


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and you will tell me go somewhere else since you told that with someone before , but I have some questions to sort out...because I really do want to update my knowledge!


Are intelligence and wisdom the same thing?


If so....can intellegence be trained/learnt/developed/found?


What about wisdom?


Or is it a whole new ball games?


Can you help me for that, please???

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First of all, I have a question for you. You know I really don't like what? You don't even know me so how could you know what I like and what I don't like.




1. Are intelligence and wisdom the same thing?


No, there are a lot of intelligent people who are very short on wisdom. Intelligence is the ability to acquire knowledge. Wisdom is knowing how to use intelligence wisely and know how to properly navigate the waters of life to the greatest benefit of all.


2. "If so....can intellegence be trained/learnt/developed/found?


No. Either a person has intelligence or he does not. However, there is a chance that as one matures, gets older, etc., the brain may self-create additional pathways that may aid in fascilitating the acquisition of knowledge.


3. "What about wisdom?"


People of average or above intelligence acquire wisdom through their own personal experiences, the experiences of others, particularly their parents, reading books, etc. Idiots keep doing the same thing over and over again and seem to never learn.


4. "Or is it a whole new ball games?"


Baseball season just ended with the World Series and doesn't resume until next year. In the meantime, enjoy some good football and basketball.


5. Can you help me for that, please???


Yes, I could get tickets for you but I don't know what seats you enjoy most or what teams you prefer to see.

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Wisdom and intelligence are not the same. You are born with a certain extent of intelligence, and besides genes there is the theory that some of it is evolving throughout the time you spend in your mothers womb and the first year of your life. If a child is deprieved of sensory input in that critical stage, some pathways in the brain will not form, there will not be as many pathways therefore keeping the intelligence lower. You cannot really teach yourself to be intelligent, but you can train yourself to use as much as possible. There is people who were born intelligent and through their upbringing were made to believe to be dumb and believing that, in time they will be dumb.


Wisdom on the other hand is something you do acquire, like Tony stated. And you can be wise without being very intellligent and you can be very intelligent and have no wisdom whatever.


Best is to have both, smile. Anyway since most people only use a fraction of their intelligence, its not that important how intelligent you really are. Our brains are capable of a lot more then what we use them for.


Studying, using your brains is important throughout your life - if one stops learning, one stops living. But not only learning in an academical sense - plain learning is important.

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intelligence is the ability to use your brain to solve problems and learn new things


wisdom is a body of knowledge and experience, used intelligently


that's my version.


there's also people with good memory, who simply remember whole encyclopedias but have zero intelligence.



Intelligence= useful information Wisdom=the ability to apply your knowledge.


is that right?

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In a military, business or some other sense, intelligence can be useful information to assist in strategic decision making. Very often the intelligence is material gathered regarding the activities of an opponent, an enemy, or a competitor.


The intelligence of a person is another matter but the term is often misused so don't feel bad.

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