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All replies welcome...mixed messages???

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Hi everyone, I would really appreciate any advice regarding my current situation. TIA

In March this year I met a guy in a lecture through a girl I knew (we weren't close friends and they had also just met). Anyway, after about three weeks I started chatting to him and we had an incredible amount of things in common, the most I have ever had with another guy.

My other friend started asking whether I was interested in him, or if we had known each other beforehand. I decided to play it cool, and just said that I wasn't sure yet. He and I ended up exchanging mobile numbers and e-mail addresses and I first contacted him by e-mail to let him know about a university related issue.

Then maybe a week or two later I got a random text message from him saying that he was bored travelling... I actually thought he had accidently sent it, so I brushed it off (the next day he said sorry he was just trying to find people to talk to)...However, we have continued messaging each other and e-mailing about once a week or so.

Then after one lecture rather than going straight with other friends he said that he would walk me up to my next class (it was a cold day and he said he should walk to warm up, and then said that maybe he should get some pens from a shop!). Anyway he ended up doing a massive circuit around the university and we ended up chatting for a bit before I had to go. He also started to skip his lecture (which he said he would never do ordinarily) to come have lunch with me and our friend. All this time other people made comments about the two of us because we would have hour long conversations and focus on each other only.

Anyway fast forward to maybe two months later. After a day at university I invited him to go to lunch. It was me, him and our other friend. He then paid for all of our meals without saying a thing. He walked to the station with my other friend but then messaged me after to ask if I got home okay. I thanked him for lunch, to which he said it was a pleasure, thank you for your company!

What has been most confusing is that I think our other friend likes him. When I told her that he messaged me she sounded surprised (saying that he has never messaged her, and since we all met at the same time he must either not like her at all or like me romantically)... Another thing is he has never (and I mean NEVER) mentioned a girlfriend, but another friend believes he does still have one...Confusing!!!

So thing is we have all arranged to go out next week at night (three of us)and I don't know how I should play it at all?

All I can get is that he must have some connection to think of me and message me, but I don't know guys too well... Do guys do this to genuinely be just good friends, or is he laying the groundwork for something more later?

Sorry for the confusing post, it is just a reflection of my own scattered thoughts at the moment :-(

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