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How do I approach the situation?

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So I have known this guy, Rick, for several years now. We went to undergrad together, and were friendly onlines for several years- he was cute but I had a boyfriend, so that's all there was to it.

We decided to have lunch together in August (we are now both single) and it was great! I was suprised at the interest I had in him. However, we don't live in the same city. I email him ocassionally and talk to him online. I am going up to visit a a good friend of mine that is living in the same city as he does- he called me to find out exactly when I was coming and he seemed very interested that I am visiting- even offering to meet me at the airport.


My problem is that we don't talk all that much- he says he is really busy between work and getting his masters and I am just as busy- he apologizes for not respond to email and such.


How should I play it when I am up visiting? I dont know if i should flirt with him, or see what he initiates- he strikes me as being somewhat shy, however he seems comfortable with me and always has.


Any suggestions as to approaching this?!?!

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I don't think you should plan anything at all. i think you should do what ever you feel like at the time and see what happens x

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