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How do I approach at work?


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Hey all,


Well, I have officially been broken up with my ex for about 3 Months. I have been going back and forth about whether or not I am ready to date again...but whenever I am "forth" it is because of a guy that I work with. I just started a part-time job about two weeks ago, and I find that I am drawn to a man that I work with. However, there are quite a few other people that work there, and it is impossible to get him alone in order to strike up a conversation that is not work related. Also, I am the newby, and I haven't had a chance to completely feel out the dynamics of my new work environment. Lots of folks dating one another, but I am more private when it comes to my romantic life. Anybody have any suggestions as to how I can get to know him better (even find out if he is available) without drawing too much attention from other co-workers?

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