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Jealousy or anger or both?

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Hey guys i seem to be haveing a problem. I got a girlfriend about 10 months ago now and it's pretty seriouse. We get along so well we both love each other very much and are thinking of moving in with each other but i have had a problem for a while. Before we met my girlfriend use to be a bit.... loose and she has had lots of long relationships. I on the other hand have not had any, she is the only girl i have ever slept with. I havent been able to sleep for weeks coming up to months now because i seem to get very angry about it when i sleep. I have dreams about all these guys that i know pounding her and i get so upset about it, but I have been trying my best to ignore it and carry on because i love her. What should I do to stop this?

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This is why before i get serious with a girl i make sure she doesnt need 2+ hands to count the number of guys she's boned, sloppy seconds is ok, sloppy 15th's is well, nasty. Good luck bud, dont know what to tell ya

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Jealousy = insecurity. Do you realize that you're dreaming more about these men than she is? She's put them behind her and chosen you; you need to get over your obssession.

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Spectre, You sound very young! If a woman is 40 years old and never been married. She may have had more partners than fingers. If she became sexually active at 20 and dated seriously 1 man a year, that would be 20 parnters.


Stop worrying about the other men in your gf's life. She is with you now! Do not let your insecurity damage the relationship.

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Jealousy = insecurity. Do you realize that you're dreaming more about these men than she is? She's put them behind her and chosen you; you need to get over your obssession.



I agree. You seem to be more caught up in her past than her. If she can let it go you should be able to as well. The past is the past, best to keep it there. If its something you feel you can't let go of, then maybe you need to move on. JMO.

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