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met online- for sex- but he's SO cool...

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Okay, after a month of one line emails and finding out how fabulously interesting this man is he suggests that we meet, but he explains that he's really interested in sex. I have no issue with this, but I assume that because he's looking for something online there must be something- off. Or he could be busy- whatever... anyway, I meet up with him at his house and we talk and then we do the deed and it's okay- he strikes me as someone that seems inexperienced or maybe he's just not a very good lover, but it wasn't awful- just okay. Anyway, this happened last night and I'd like to contact him and see if this could become a regular thing- I'd welcome a new FWB/booty call because my other longterm one left last year and I've been going through a horrific dryspell. At any rate, what's the normal wait time for a situation like this? Can I just shoot him an email back, or do I wait the excruciating 3 days? I'd kind of like to do a repeat of last night today, but I don't want to scare him off. What do ya'll think? Also, what are the chances that this could evolve into a relationship- in the far, far away future? Have we killed it by starting out sexually? He's just so damned cool- I think it would be tragic that there couldn't be a future possibility once we know each other better- we have so much in common. My main concern at the moment is just making sure that we remain in contact- when should I email? Thanks!!!

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i think don't ask him to meet again but send him a really sexual text. i'm sure that will get him interested in another meet without you having to ask...

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Tell him what you plan to do to him next time you're together. I agree he'll see you fast. As to whether it can lead to long-term anything, what did his profile stay? Was he looking for long-term relationships or just 'fun'?

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Well, see that's the weird thing- he approached me, and his profile just said that he was looking for a sex partner but he wanted to know about my interests, etc. Very strange- I mean, if I was looking for a booty call I would probably just make sure the physical stuff was to my liking not all this other stuff (books, interests, hobbies, etc.) In the end I guess it doesn't matter because I broke down and emailed him on Sunday (the day after) and he hasn't gotten back to me. So unless he's playing games- keep her interested by being aloof- I'm screwed (in more wasy than one- haha). Thanks for the insight ya'll...

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Well, see that's the weird thing- he approached me, and his profile just said that he was looking for a sex partner but he wanted to know about my interests, etc. Very strange- I mean, if I was looking for a booty call I would probably just make sure the physical stuff was to my liking not all this other stuff (books, interests, hobbies, etc.) In the end I guess it doesn't matter because I broke down and emailed him on Sunday (the day after) and he hasn't gotten back to me. So unless he's playing games- keep her interested by being aloof- I'm screwed (in more wasy than one- haha). Thanks for the insight ya'll...


If he didn't ask about you and your interests etc. and instead bluntly said he wanted sex - would you have hooked up with him? He sounds like a pretty good player.


Also, I would steer clear because I get the suspicion you want a relationship with him at some point and you are hoping that sex will lead into something more.

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If you're planning to have meaningless sex, wouldn't it make more sense to find someone who is a good lover?


If you're looking for an exclusive boyfriend, this is not the way to start it.

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If you're looking for an exclusive boyfriend, this is not the way to start it.


I agree. From the way you describe things it sounds like you're hopeing to use the sex and turn it into a relationship.

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Call him and tell him " I am not wearing any panties"....He will be over in 10 minutes...


If you are looking for love then this is not the way. He wants sex. Hot fast sex. If quick sex works for you then go for it.


If you want a deep meaningful relationship then the real tragedy was sleeping with this guy on Day One.


The SCAREY thing is : YOU went over to this guys HOUSE. A man on the internet . He could have been a serial killer . Be a little more careful . Although I don't know how careful you can be when you both want sex and agree to it on first meeting. It happens everyday though out there . Don't beat yourself up about it.


Just be clear about what you want. He won't * love you * later,. Sorry.

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