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Am i overreacting??

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My husband does a lot of photography as a hobby and over the weekend he had a photoshoot organised with a woman from fashion up to tasteful art nude. He cleared it with me beforehand and i was fine with it. After his photoshoot I looked at the pictures and was horrified to see there was almost no fashion pictures and a lot of the naked pictures were very explicit with open leg shots. Definately not tasteful nude! It made me feel really sick to my stomach and I got really upset with him over it. In response he just got very angry at me and said that if i had a problem with it i should have told him beforehand. If i had known he was going to take such explicit photos and not the tasteful art nudes like he said, i wouldn't have let him do the shoot. I feel really deceived and hurt and he doesn't seem to understand why and is just very angry at me and making me feel even worse. Anyway what i want to know is, do you think i'm overreacting or am i justified in being upset over this?

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It sounds like your husband mislead you from the get-go about the nature of his photoshoot, given the fact that most of the pictures were of ranchy nudes.


You've already expressed your anger and dismay. If this is the only problem you have with him regarding the opposite sex, I would suggest you go along with him when he does these nude shoots. In addition to seeing that your little boy doesn't get out of hand, the models would feel a lot more comfortable having a woman nearby and particularly the photographer's wife.


Let this go for now, it's over. It's what he may do in the future that you will have to deal with.


By the way, exactly what is he going to use these pictures for? There is not a very big market for pictures of women with their legs spread unless they are for some sick Internet pay sites. That would be my biggest question. Don't get back at him now but work it into a future conversation. It would seem that would have been what you would have been most interested in knowing.


No, I don't think you overreacted. You reacted just like any wife would who had been told one thing...and were then showed the actual results of the shoot. (Most women look sexier with at least some clothes on, in my opinion. I have a terrific imagination.)

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I think married photographers shouldn't do nude photo sessions since it's very upsetting for their wives. Let it go, what can you do? It's done, but tell him no more naked girls in his studio.

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My husband does a lot of photography as a hobby and over the weekend


Yeah, I'll bet its a hobby....


How convenient that his hobby is taking up close and personal photos of a womans gaping crotch.


"Its my hobby, honey, you are supposed to be supporting and nurturing...."



It made me feel really sick to my stomach and I got really upset with him over it. In response he just got very angry at me


"How dare she try to take my pussy...err, I mean hobby away from me, the nerve of her...."



This is utter bulls***.....its not his "hobby"...It makes me absolutely sick to my stomach on your behalf that he could use "hobby" as excuse to photograph porn..because thats what it really is......"I'll just call it a "hobby" but what it really is is a chance to look at gaping pussy all day long without repercussions, because its my hobby......."


What a f-ing pervert. Narcissistic at that.

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I am sure, given the opportunity, most married men would prefer photographing naked puss as a hobby than let say, fishing.....


the difference is, most married men (who want to stay that way) are a bit more respectful........

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the difference is, most married men (who want to stay that way) are a bit more respectful........


I like this one. I'll add it to my book of quotes :p

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