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You like her, she might like someone else


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kk so i ask with respect for some advice, i thought this over myself for a wile now and got no were, this is prolly last thing id think of doin but i rly need to kno what all of you out there think. so there this gurl in my grade (10) .. ive known her for a year know, weve became rly good friends, i helpd her out, she helpd me all that.. i can say anythin 2 her and i kno im very comfortable with her n her 2 me 2, she told me some of her deep secrets n all that she didnt tell 2 ALOT of ppl very very few..i had a crush on her around wen we first met n told her but she told me she didnt feel the same way..i got kinda mad cuz that time i thought that if u don get accepted at begginin then it kinda meens u not gettin accepted later or w.e.but i got over bein mad n felt kinda dum 4 bein mad..anyways.now its end of june, i told her i liked her again in like what early may or somthin, she said she was rly flattered n all.. i kno she don feel that way bout me but that feelin u hav wen ur with som1 n all...i cant imagine how that would work with any1 but her...i think she likes nother guy oolder by like 1-2 years n he does 2 not so sure she hasnt told me or talkd 2 me bout him n i understand that since i lik her n that mite piss me of or somethin but suprisingly it doesnt.. im very cool if she likes som1 else or somethin or if she got a bf...2 me shes no possesion or somethin u win..it would b rly nice 2 wake up everyday n see her hang out n stuff n kno she see me that way 2, i cant force her 2 but i can just stay at her side..so wat im sayin is..what do i do now like do i keep stayin at her side n treat her as a rly good friend just like be4 or do i still kinda give her hints once in a wile so she knows i still like her...n if she does go out with that guy n i find out but not from her..obivoulsy i would b happy n say like congrats or proudof u or somethin cuz even tho the guy who will giv her a shoulder 2 cry on or kiss her on the cheek isnt me at least she has 1 2 make her smile n all, but it mite seem like im kinda jealous or somethin but im not....pleasee give me some advice lol

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