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Ridiculously stupid FWB question/poll

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So I've decided I need to quit the benefits thing with my FWB (yeah, let's see if I stick with my promise this time!!) because obviously I have feelings and I'd rather not waste my time on them.


Since our last middle of the night rendezvous two weeks ago, he's been more or less avoiding me. We don't hang out all the time anyway, because we live about 30-40 minutes apart. But we usually talk several times a week, and this has diminished to practically nothing.


(Reeeally brief background, because if I told the whole story I'd be typing for months: I've known him for almost 7 years. The "benefits" started after my ex dumped me last year. I do NOT want a relationship with him - he's a jerk to girls, I'll admit it!. He tends to go from one girl to the next, but we've become very good friends. And when it comes to the benefits, he calls all the shots.)


Here's the stupid question/poll: Is he avoiding me because a.) he's aware of my feelings, to some extent, and wants no part of it, thinking it'll all "blow over [baaaad pun, but I could NOT resist!!] or b.) deeeeep down he does have feelings for me and needs to avoid me/focus more on other girls and such so he can repress said feelings?


One last thing...no need to interpret option b. as "she wants him to have feelings for her!!!!!!!!" Thanks. :laugh:

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So I've decided I need to quit the benefits thing with my FWB (yeah, let's see if I stick with my promise this time!!) because obviously I have feelings and I'd rather not waste my time on them.


Since our last middle of the night rendezvous two weeks ago, he's been more or less avoiding me. We don't hang out all the time anyway, because we live about 30-40 minutes apart. But we usually talk several times a week, and this has diminished to practically nothing.


(Reeeally brief background, because if I told the whole story I'd be typing for months: I've known him for almost 7 years. The "benefits" started after my ex dumped me last year. I do NOT want a relationship with him - he's a jerk to girls, I'll admit it!. He tends to go from one girl to the next, but we've become very good friends. And when it comes to the benefits, he calls all the shots.)


Here's the stupid question/poll: Is he avoiding me because a.) he's aware of my feelings, to some extent, and wants no part of it, thinking it'll all "blow over [baaaad pun, but I could NOT resist!!] or b.) deeeeep down he does have feelings for me and needs to avoid me/focus more on other girls and such so he can repress said feelings?


One last thing...no need to interpret option b. as "she wants him to have feelings for her!!!!!!!!" Thanks. :laugh:



He was having sex with you. Then you ended it. He is Missing In Action : MIA now because he is looking for another sex partner.


I don't think he has romantic feelings for you. I don't think he will get them now that you ended this.


Was that your intention ? To wake him up ?

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