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Thank-you for the advice you have givin' me but I've tried that for the last three months and still she finds a way to contact me. I have caller ID but she blocks her number when she calls. I've told my roomates that when she calls to tell her that I don't live here anymore. She has her sister call sometimes and when I pick up it's given to her right away! I love my ex tremendously but I don't want to have a restraining order put on her. That would be a waste of time and make me look like a bad person. Why does the person who did the break up want to still keep in contact. I myself was still calling her when we broke up but found the strength to stop even though it destroyed me not to hear her voice! But I think I'm going to send her that letter to say GOODBYE! Anyway, thanks again for the message and I hope to hear from you soon!

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You can set up your phone to reject callers who have their number blocked. Doing so is free to the best of my knowledge .


Your ex is showing a remarkable lack of respect for you. She broke up with you, it's not as if you ended things mysteriously and she's trying to figure out what's going on. Sounds like she's playing some weird games.


If I were you, the next time she reaches you I'd tell your ex that you wish to be left alone, and should she resort to deception in the future you will simply ignore her -- that is, hang up when it turns out to be her. You won't be reading letters from her or emails. If she can't respect your feelings by giving you the time and space you need in the aftermath of your break-up you'll just have to make that space yourself. You don't have to be nasty or angry, just tell her how it's going to be. Don't put a time limit on it, you'll get in touch with her when -- and if -- you're ready to be in touch. And then set up your phone to block anonymous callers.

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