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My name is Stacie Nice and I'm interested in hearing people's stories of Infidelities or stories about your loved one being unfaithful possibly for a new television program. Our host is a psychiatrist and has 20 years of experience with individual and couples therapy.


If you'd like to call me with your story I can be reached toll free at 1-888-372-2569 ext 4347 or you can email me your name and contact information to [email protected]




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Shoot now I am half tempted to go cheat just so I can be on TV! :p :p :p:D


Do we get a deluxe suite and room service.... I assume a flight is paid for?


:p :p :p:D

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Shoot now I am half tempted to go cheat just so I can be on TV! :p :p :p:D


Do we get a deluxe suite and room service.... I assume a flight is paid for?


:p :p :p:D



I want limo service at the airport too. And all meals should be covered as well. :D Forget room service, all meals should be for out on the town.

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See cheating does pay!!!


You get perks and attention!!!



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I want limo service at the airport too. And all meals should be covered as well. :D Forget room service, all meals should be for out on the town.


Jack do you want to hook up? :eek::lmao::p


Damn I could use a vacation......

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but my personal issues are better left anonymous. No way i would air my dirty laundry on TV.


If someone wants to do it, fine by me. but I have been thru hell dealing with my wifes affair. Aint no way I would go back and rehash it, let alone on TV.


but I admire your show format. if getting the word out that affairs cause noting but PAIN....extreme emotional pain for all parties invovled, then cudos to you.


Very seldom to the cheaters realize the consequences of there actions. My marriage and my inner self will NEVER be the same.

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My name is Stacie Nice and I'm interested in hearing people's stories of Infidelities or stories about your loved one being unfaithful possibly for a new television program. Our host is a psychiatrist and has 20 years of experience with individual and couples therapy.


If you'd like to call me with your story I can be reached toll free at 1-888-372-2569 ext 4347 or you can email me your name and contact information to [email protected]





Posting this once is fine by my standards, but now you are just getting to be annoying.

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