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I hate being jealous. Should I be?

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My girlfriend and i recently got back together after a second breakup. THis latest time we were apart for 3 weeks and both missed each other so much. But now that we're back together i can't help but feeling jealous of all her guy friends. I understand she has guy friends that she talks to, but it seems she enjoys talking to them more than me.


Yesterday i asked her to call me after she got out of work. She didn't and said she forgot. But looking at her phone, she called one of her guy friends the minute she got out and talked with him for 2 hours. This morning i was at her house, and he called and i heard him say "hey sweetie whatsup?" She insists that he is only a good friend, but i dont know what to think.


I tried talking to her about this but it turned into a huge argument that almost ended everything. It is very hard to tell her how i feel about this without sounding jealous.


So should i be jealous? She has never given me any big reason to think she may do anything, but she is sometimes very sketchy about details when she goes to parties without me. I dont know what i should do. I really love being with her, and when it's just the two of us everything is great. But its little things like this that worry me. Should they?

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you feel how you feel.... no matter what we will tell you.


my only cautionary advise is..... if you feel that there is something not quite right..... there usually is.

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Tell her in a non-accusatory tone that some of her actions make you uncomfortable. I think it's a waste of time being jealous.


In my opinion, a relationship without trust is worthless. If you don't trust her, then it doesn't even matter if she is messing around on you or not. Why would you want to be in a relationship without trust anyway? So, either you trust her or you don't.


On the other hand, if you actually trust her, what does it matter that she has guy friends?

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I'm guessing your still with her becuase the sex is pretty good eh?


I would say try to find someone else, she being too sketchy and is doing things behind your back. Move on and find someone else. You don't deserve this kind of crap.

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We broke up because she didnt know what she wanted. She has been scarred by guys in the past, and thought she was becoming too dependent. I gave her her space and she wanted to get back together.


Everything seems fine now, but what can help me to not feel jealous in the future?

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1. how old are you both?

2. scared by guys how?

3. how long have you been together?

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