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How fast to move..

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I thought maybe I'd start a thread here too. I guess my story belongs in about 1/2 dozen threads easily. I'm about to file for a divorce and the horse was dead long ago, but we were forcing the marriage to continue. It was only a 4-year, nightmare. ANd I met a great guy and feel like he's really compatible material with exceellent chemistry. I think even if we're not admitting to it, we're seriously falling in love, but pretending we're just friends. I'm not sure how fast to move. I dont' want to ruin a good thing by jumping into bed too quickly but the lust is there too. Very there. I want to move slowely so this isn't just by definition and exit affiar/or a transition relationship. Maybe it's more about how each one of us feels and works the situation out instead of my being afraid of what society will think.I know that I don't want to date around. I hadn't planned on dating around for a long-while, but this guy just seems like a gift from God. It's crazy but I really just want to proclaim my love for him. Maybe it's meant to be, but the timing is strange, and unexpected. I guess it could have been worse, the first few times I saw him socially, I could't look him straight in the face because the chemistry was so strong. Then we didn't see one another or rather run into one another for over 6 months. So the timing is a lot better. Ruuuuurrrr. I just want to be so honest and also not risk scaring him away because my feelings are so strong so fast....

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Well I'm going thru a divorce myself.I left my ex on 5-27. Less than 2 weeks after I moved out he had his lawyer send me papers in the mail. We signed legal seperation papers this past Wednesday. I had been with him for 19 years. If he can see a lawyer that fast, I can now see who I want when I want. I'm free free free. If you find someone that interest you, go for it. Life is too short to be miserable. Best of luck to ya!

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