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Jealous or just curious?

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I have been dating a divorced man for almost a year I am crazy about him and have for quite sometime but I can't stop thinking about him and his ex-wife. The divorce was her idea and she ripped him apart I have been picking up the pieces since 2 months after the divorced was final. I have never met her and she doesn't even want to talk to him again yet I am always worried that she may change her mind and want him back. He loves me and I know he does plus he looks to his ex as a mistake yet I just cant get over this. They thankfully did not have children so there is no connection yet he still has many pictures of her and the wedding. I find myself looking at them when he is not arround and wish that I met him before she did. I also find myself having feeling of hate toward her and thinking violent thoughts if I ever run into her. I need to know if this is normal or am I crazy??

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"she doesn't even want to talk to him again"

There you have it. Stop worrying yourself about it, and I would recommend NOT LOOKING AT HIS PHOTO'S! I used to find myself looking at pictures and such from my wife's previous relationships. All it did was upset me, so put it down and never pick it up again. You were not there and you never will be, but you are there now and thats whats important to him.

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