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Does he like me, do I even like him??

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Ok, so you have all heard this before, the typical does my best friend like me or not story…but I think mine is a little different


This boy goes to a different college then me, he lives 4 hours away. However, our parents’ houses are three doors down from each other. All throughout our college career (every Christmas and summer) we have come home and been inseparable. I mean we talk every day, he comes to visit me at work, he pays for movie tickets, everything


The strange part is that during the school year (when we are in different states) we don’t talk at all. I mean zero communication. During these times I do not really miss him, it’s just like well I know I will see him when I go home


About a month ago he informed me that his parents were moving to Dallas. This is 7 hours away from my home. When he told me this my heart sunk. I started to think…why is this affecting me so bad…I have had friends move away and I have never been this upset


Anyway, this got me thinking. Do I like him?? Am I just afraid of losing him?? Here are the signs


-The night he told me that he was moving he text messaged me “You are like my family. I will love you to the day that I die

-I was asleep and didn’t respond…we have never mentioned it to each other


-he knows all of my family and they are all in love with him

-he calls my mom mom


-he always makes comments when I talk about people I have dated…

“I only dated him for 2 months

'well that’s more then I’ve gotten


-he has never once tried to make a move.


-I have had a friend talk to him…she asked him “I want to set ‘me’ up with a guy friend of mine…would you mind?” She said he had a look of shock on his face and said…no it’s ok we are just friends…then turned around and walked away


Do I like him or is it just in my head?? And if I like him…are the feelings mutual??

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