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"the feeling" of love


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Everyone knows that feeling at the first of a relationship...but what if you lose that feeling does that mean you're no longer in love? i still however get that feeling when i see my girlfriend coming out of work when i go to pick her up and ive been with her for 7 months. but it's just not as strong.

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You really make a lot of hasty generalizations in your posts.


YOU WRITE: "Everyone knows that feeling at the first of a relationship..."


So how do you know everyone knows? A lot of relationships start off rather OK and build from there. Those are the healthiest, the strongest and generally the longest lasting.


YOU CONTINUE: "but what if you lose that feeling does that mean you're no longer in love?"


Lose what feeling? The feeling you feel at the beginning of a relationship is not love, it's just a chemical reaction to meeting somebody you like and are attracted to.


Falling in love is a process that takes time and getting to know a person. The incredible passion and fireworks may not last forever but the positive feelings and sense of fulfillment can be long lasting.

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Relationships are VERY comlicated. Know that and you'll be much better off. One thing I know is that if you can be with your babe and NOT feel like jumping their bones but you just want to go home eat, watch tv or sleep in the same bed and feel close and still feel secure then you have a working relationship. You'll always have to work at it even if it is uneventful. I think that is the best part--if it is just there and you don't long for more. If you do you need a different partner.

Everyone knows that feeling at the first of a relationship...but what if you lose that feeling does that mean you're no longer in love? i still however get that feeling when i see my girlfriend coming out of work when i go to pick her up and ive been with her for 7 months. but it's just not as strong.
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No it means you were never in love in the first place. Love doesn't just go away, it advances to different levels. First there's the funny feeling, and if you really love someone, once the funny feeling fades, you love them at a different level, which can be even greater. It's someone you cannot imagine not having in your life. It's that special someone you can count on to be there for you in good and bad times. It's someone that's your best friend who can satisfy you in ways no one else can (if you're talking romantic love).


When you really love someone, you won't have to question whether or not you'll lose love for them one day, cause you never will. Even if you part, they'll always have a special place in your heart.

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