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Is it normal to not have hobbies?

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If you spend your time waiting for him to start up a hobby, you will just end up frustrated. If I were you, I would go out and enjoy my own hobbies. If he suddenly seems interested in joining you, encourage it. But I personally would not expect him to change his behavior. He is probably happy just doing things the way he currently does.


Did he have any hobbies before you got married? If the answer is no, well there you have it. Men become more "Home Bound" after they are married not less.

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I once was like your husband.... no hobbies. I put in 25lbs and went into a dark place.. my wife could not help me get out off.


I would come home from work....all excited to be with my wife and kids. Once home I would 'shut off', and watch TV.... I would not even answer the phone. This along with other issues caused a major problem with are relationship.


What kind of work does he do... if it is high-stress or have the potential to be dangerous .... he might fit the same bill as mine.

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Does your husband like pets? The reason I asked is that...

My father is a bit older than your husband. He is also retired. He never had any hobbies in his whole life (I'd never seen him holding a book, for example), except smoking and drinking during dinner and he gave up both due to the typical geriatric problems. He is always alone at home because my brother and I are all grown up now and my mom still has a job. He did watch a fair amount of TV and napped a lot. However, one day, my brother took my dad to an animal shelter and got him two dogs. Since then, my dad goes out and walks with them everyday. He actually fusses about the dogs the rest of the day as if they were little kids. It's kind of like a life-changing event to my dad.


Oh, just think of one more thing. You mentioned in one of your previous post that you two were doing well financially. Is it enough for some travelling? Doing all the research and preparation for a trip can keep someone occupied. I'd love to have the health, money and time to travel when I'm retired.

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