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I don't understand men....

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Got this great guy friend. There is no doubt in my mind that he is attracted to me, just by the things he writes, and the comments he makes. He hasn't actually come out and said it, but you can tell that he is trying to give me some clues. Here's the confusing part -- mixed in with all this, he often will talk about girls that he is trying to date, or old girlfriends that he is still hooked on. WHAT is the deal? Is this a jealousy tactic? Am I just an attractive sounding board? Its starting to really get to me.

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why don't you just ask him....... if he is throwing that many clues your way.


You can do it casually when he talks about other girls and askes you advice etc....


Say things like "well is she as pretty as me"........is she as nice as me.......

see what he says.... if you do it in a semi joking manner it won't be as tense.


He is probably feeling you out to see if you are safe and he won't be rejected.

Throw the guy a bone and see if he takes it or not.

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It just seems so retarded to me that a guy would talk about flirting with other women to a girl that he is trying to attract! How does that accomplish anything? If you ask me, its kind of a big turnoff.

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Got this great guy friend. There is no doubt in my mind that he is attracted to me, just by the things he writes, and the comments he makes. He hasn't actually come out and said it, but you can tell that he is trying to give me some clues. Here's the confusing part -- mixed in with all this, he often will talk about girls that he is trying to date, or old girlfriends that he is still hooked on. WHAT is the deal? Is this a jealousy tactic? Am I just an attractive sounding board? Its starting to really get to me.


sounds like it could be a jealousy tactic. well if i were him i would've made a move.


this is common among girls but guys not so much.

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