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we're just friends

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hey hows it goin everybody just need alittle advice so hopefully you all can help me out first off alittle background me and my girl have been going

out for 6 months now. I love this girl more than anything and she says the same. she also was the first and only guy i think that shes been with.

Shes back home from school now and things have gotten rough for me.

She now gos to clubs with guy friends and hangs out with guys alot and

not the nerdy lets jsut be friends guys guys that u should be worried about

and its making me crazy because i love this girl and she said there just friends

but it seems like cheating to me that shes out with other guys and im here

turning down girls so ill be with her in the long run. I dont want to get rid of

her because i love her so much but on the other hand i dont want to get destroyed. Is there anyway i can bring this up to her or anything i could

do to help my situation let me know thanks

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If the roles were reversed how do you think she would feel or does she even care. From what you describe it does not sound like she sees herself in a relationship with you all that much. It is interesting that you do not engage in this type of behavior but she does. What does that tell you?

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For your own sake, dump this girl before you get dumped or worse, before you find out what's really going on. Maintain your dignity at all costs.

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For your own sake, dump this girl before you get dumped or worse, before you find out what's really going on. Maintain your dignity at all costs.



This is some pretty sound advice. If you want to give her the benefit of the doubt, confront her first, but remember, you always deserve the respect you ask for.

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