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Is jealousy normal??

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Is jealousy normal in a relationship? I have had several long term relationships in my life and have nver experienced the "jealousy" thing - until now that is. I find that in this new relationship (going on seven months now) I am jealous constantly and I can't figure out why. I hate it - it drives me crazy!! Why is it happening and what can I do to fix it!!

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I think for people to have a little jealousy from time to time is human nature. However I think when jealousy is constant, and people become jealous of the littlest things then thats a problem. It can destroy relationships. I have often heard jealousy=insecurity. So there might be some insecurities on your part, unless you feel you partner is giving you reason to feel that way.

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i really hate admitting this about myself but since it might make you feel better... i am a really jealous person. i hate it too. it drives most of my thoughts. i've been with my boyfriend for over two years and i still get so jealous of every little thing. i can't help it, i want help so bad. i want to be on some kind of medication where i can be numb to the things i feel. i try not to bring it up with him but i think he knows how jealous i am. i don't want to drive him away because its so stupid.


i think the things that bother me the most is how slutty women have become over the years. it makes me want to live in the 30's or something crazy like that. lately is mini skirts and short shorts, and bikinis are terrible for me. i can't even enjoy the beach anymore because all the thoughts that fill my head are "is he comparing their bodies to mine?", "he wishes he was dating them instead of me"

its bad.

but yeah, so your little amount of jealousy is normal. sorry i went off on a tangent.

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I am jealous constantly and I can't figure out why.



If you were not jealous in your past relationships, perhaps it's your b/f that is bringing these feelings to the forefront for you. If you cannot figure out why, it's probably not because you are feeling insecure, but your b/f is not doing anything to make you feel secure.

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I think my jealousy stems from the lack of conversation and communication in our relationship. I have to live for his "moments" (when he out of the blue sayd something emotional, sweet and loving) It's not that he is mean or cruel - he isn't - he just has never been in a relationship (long term) before and talking and expressing emotion is very difficult for him

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