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What is the meaning of relationship?


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Think about it:


Q. " Will you have this woman/man as your lawaful wedded wife/husband, to live together in the estate of matrimony? Will you love her/him, honor her/him, comfort her/him, and keep her/him in sickness and in healthy; forsaking all others, be true to her/him as long as you both shall live?"


A. i will take so and so as my wedded wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part


Don't these words have meaning anymore? There are so many stories of affairs and cheating partners. what is going on in society? Is all cheating and lying socially acceptable now?

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People's inability to honor their contracts and keep their word is not restricted to marriage vows. Civil courts have had to be massively enlarged because of dockets loaded with lawsuits because people didn't do what they said in business contracts, leases, sales agreements, etc. The number of people who actually do what they say seems to have decreased substantially.


As far as marriage goes, most people make vows with 100 percent intention of keeping them. But humans being what they are, many lose interest in their relationships, they meet other people they become excited about, they grow apart from their mates, etc. There are so many complications that can affect the success of a marriage and if two people can't work it out, divorce is often the only recourse to avoid a life of misery.


When looking for a mate, people often fail to watch for signs that the other person doesn't keep his/her word. A good hint of how a person may have been raised might be found in the personalities of the parents and how long they have been together. However, with all the divorce and broken homes, it's hard to find mates from stable home environments these days.


So sometimes the most you can hope for is for the marriage to stay together until one or the other is so unhappy they must leave. The key here is marry a happy person who doesn't depend on others for that, a person who is level-headed, stable, honest, trustworthy, rationally sane, even tempered, loyal, secure, loving, forgiving, open minded, fun, etc. Only in your dreams.


Yeah, go find one of those!!!

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