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I'm jealous now!!!!

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Wow I never that I would be but, I am really jealous.. MY best friend she just met a new vendor personal at work and she told me about him and she talked to him for like 20 mins. and she said it was nice..So Thats when i got jealous but I went along with it and teased her that they went to the back room for 20 mins.. She then brought up The other women that I have flirted with in the past and one girl in particuler she jokingly ask if me and her got it on in her truck and I said no but then she said I work with her in a another day and she said I wanted to work with her and I said ooh yeah! And that made her jealous. Than after that topic she asked if I was mad at her and I said nope. She kindof figured that I was being jealous right?? I mean I like her a lot and I hate the dreaded best friends title she gives us. I want more and at this point I need to be honest to the way I feel about her. Should I tell her that the vendor guy thing made me jealous? and following that after the reply of coarse, Tell her I like her?? I need anyone who can help me and this is been very stressful on the way to handle it. Or should I just look for new women? Its really bugging me inside Please help me????????

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well if you are looking for more than best friends tag with this girl , you got to ask her and tell her how you feel about her. No point in hiding and risk loosing her to someother guy. But also be prepared for her reaction and aftermath as she might go away from you & your friendhsip... this depends on what kind of a person she is and how deep is your friendship with her.


So if you think the pros from this outweighs the cons , go for it and be honest.

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I often saw that uncontrollable love leads to jealousy and in your case it is clear that you like her more than a friend. But you should not rush in telling her about your feelings, as God knows how she will react about it. But if you are ready to face any answer, that would be the most appropriate time to declare your sentiments to her. Good luck!

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Hey Shakedatbody, I just looked at the link in your msg (Uncontrollable love leads to jealousy), and I found the thread really interesting. I have gone through similar situations, whereby I was really jealous ( when I was still friend with my bf), and this made me tell him I love him. I neednt worry about his answer because he had already told me he loves me. I just went through it! It was pretty cool that day.. :)

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I have been in that sitaution, jealousy leading to love. My current bf liked me for 2years before we dated. I wasnt that interested. We'd sleep together here and there and we were close friends. Every time he came close to another girl i had to bust in like i owned him. Finally he got an actual girlfriend and i fell in love with him. They dated 3 weeks and he told me straight out that if i wanted to be with him he would leave her. Well, we have now been together 15 months, live together and are both so in love with eachother. Funny how things work out!!!

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Yes I do love her!! I haven't ever really told her so but the other day She just talked to the girls who work there, I guess they had a convo asking eachother if I was a virgin or not and She told me that last night on aim. It was difficult for her to ask such a question but she did ask if I was a virgin. I guess we have plans to travel but At work when she is talking to the girls, I feel alone. I know there talking about me and laughing about it and all that Dont know if its a good thing or a bad. They still tease her about the beer guy she talked to which still makes me jealous.

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