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hard to trust my girlfriend

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i have been going out with the girl of my dreams for roughly 9 months now and things, although at times have been bumpy, are going great. i was into her for 2 years before i got her and we hooked up several times. I must stress the fact that this is no ordinary girl - she mainly surrounds herself around guys and does not really know how to define the word flirt.


She party's all the time and when she gets drunk she gets out of hand. She has had another guys tongue in her mouth before because i believe that without knowing it (and boozed) she lead him on unintentually. We will have a fight when we are out and she gets right back inot the swing of things while i cannot get into "party mode" again, i was next to her at a bar the other day and we were fighting about whatever and then she just meets this guy and spends a couple of minutes talking to him with her arm around him and s***. She got super waisted one nite and came to join me at a club and was falling all over the place before i could help i saw this old guy (like 50yrs) helping up and trying to make her sit next to him - she would never do this when she is sober.


Basically what i am trying to say is that i feel she has absolutly no control over what she is doing when it comes to guys when she is drunk. There are plenty of other incidents that i could mention..... she is going away this weekend with a couple of guys and i cannot join as i have stuff to do and i know there will be plenty of booze flowing - am i correct for struggling to trust her (when in a way i actually do) or am i being insecure and jealous of other people getting her attention?


I need to sort this out because i plan on having a long term relationship with this amazing girl with the most outgoing personality i have ever seen - and ive seen alot. She can make a hundered friends if she goes out on any given night, ive watched her - its crazy.


please help.

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I think you would be very foolish to have a long term relationship would this girl. Why would you want to be with a girl who constantly gets drunks, puts tongue in other men's mouth, who constantly flirts with other men and totally disrespects you? She has no boundaries with flirting and is seemingly from your description at the very least a potential alcoholic. She does sound amazing. It is amazing that any man would put up with such demeaning and disrespectful behavior from someone in a relationship like this. If the roles were reversed, do you think she would put up with such crap from you?


It is time for a reality check. If she does not change her behavior you will for sure have your heart broken. If you do not respect yourself then who will?

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She loves the attention.


She's going to wear you down.


Hope it works out for you either way.

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What they said.


She's not the girl of your dreams, unless your subconsious likes to torture you.


just remember that the 5000 watt smile she gives to you, she gives to everyone.

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