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struggling to trust my incredible GF

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i have been going out with the girl of my dreams for roughly 9 months now and things, although at times have been bumpy, are going great. i was into her for 2 years before i got her and we hooked up several times. I must stress the fact that this is no ordinary girl - she mainly surrounds herself around guys and does not really know how to define the word flirt.

She party's all the time and when she gets drunk she gets out of hand. She has had another guys tongue in her mouth before because i believe that without knowing it (and boozed) she lead him on unintentually. We will have a fight when we are out and she gets right back inot the swing of things while i cannot get into "party mode" again, i was next to her at a bar the other day and we were fighting about whatever and then she just meets this guy and spends a couple of minutes talking to him with her arm around him and s***. She got super waisted one nite and came to join me at a club and was falling all over the place before i could help i saw this old guy (like 50yrs) helping up and trying to make her sit next to him - she would never do this when she is sober.

Basically what i am trying to say is that i feel she has absolutly no control over what she is doing when it comes to guys when she is drunk. There are plenty of other incidents that i could mention..... she is going away this weekend with a couple of guys and i cannot join as i have stuff to do and i know there will be plenty of booze flowing - am i correct for struggling to trust her (when in a way i actually do) or am i being insecure and jealous of other people getting her attention?

I need to sort this out because i plan on having a long term relationship with this amazing girl with the most outgoing personality i have ever seen - and ive seen alot. She can make a hundered friends if she goes out on any given night, ive watched her - its crazy.

please help.

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Consider this your wake-up call: She is a slut. Or as they call it now, "Attention Whore."


Oooh, sexist labels. OK, I'll be nice. She is a prime candidate for Histrionic Personality Disorder. Check her out on psychforums.com You might recognise her.


Don't blame it on the booze.


Going away for a weekend with a couple of guys? Heh. Hope they're clean.

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well......... basically last night it was ended. Something that i never really mentioned in the last post of mine was that she has an extremely low sex drive. This makes a man insane i tell you - you constantly think you are unable to turn on your partner and it is heart breaking i tell you. i am too scared to make any moves for sex for the pure fear of rejection, i have cried in front of her mabny times and it has almost ended our relationship.


Last night i could not take it anymore.... we had made love the previous night but as she was leaving today for the weekend i last night suggested that we make love and she said sorry - im not in the mood. she had been drinking and let me tell you she says she is supposed to be horny when she drinks or when no one is around. well when shes drunk and no ones around she is not horny. I cannot out of the blue just grab and say spontaneously "make love to me" anymore or leave a club purely because we "have to make love right now" it sux i tell you8. Sex is everywhere i go. Her friends were at her place last night and it was openly discussed that the one made love to her BF 7 times in one weekend when we were all away together and i only got it once with my chick at the same place on the same weekend.The other firend said if she could she would shag the s*** out of her BF all day if he lived closer. Its everywhere, on TV, friends, etc.


Basically i flipped my lid last night about evrything - from her inconsideratness to sex, etc. She sat there just listening basically showing no emotion what so ever. She has no drive to try and make it work at all. Im sick of her controlling part of our relationship and i finally ended it last night - tonight will be the first friday night in 9 months where i am going out with "the boys" and i cant f***ing wait.


any input very welcome - have i dont the right thing???

let me know please otherwise a bullet shall peirce my brain if i f***ed up, really



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First of all this girl isnt incredible, at all. Openly flirts with other guys in front of you, right there thats a reason to dump her. I would be also kinda upset at her lack of sex drive, she has enough energy to put into hanging around with other guys, but not that? odd, anyways you did the right thing in dumping her. Dont let her try to crawl her way back either.

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Er...what is it that you like about her, exactly? What does she do to show her affection toward you? When is it that she makes you feel great to be with her?

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I tellya man... fits the pattern! They are known to be extremely flirty, but they're all talk, no action. You'd think they'd be into sex, but they aren't. They just want to build up a fan club, because they base their self-worth on how much attention they can get from men. You've made a good move dumping her. Don't look back!!!

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I am so happy for you that you have dumped her. She is poison. She sounds just like an ex-girlfriend of mine with her flirtatious behaviour. Its just pathetic. Enjoy your single time with the boys - you 100% did the right thing.

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No f***ing up here, mate. Yep, you did the right thing. Enjoy your first night being single and finding someone BETTER!!



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