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I cannot get past the anger!


I have been dated Jack since July of last year. I have a 15 year old daughter. He has a "friend" who (is married) brings him soup when he is sick, drives him to the doctor and they lend each other money. He sees her every night when he gets out of work at 9:45 and I am home sleeping. She works at the "Club." She influences his thought-process and interferes in our relationship and he allows it. She is like having a bad mother-in-law, but worse! Plus, she is a gossiper. That's all the two of them do. He is 55 and I am 41. What is wrong with him!


The only time I ever said anything about it was when he was sick. I asked both of them, "what do you need me for?" They told me that I "hurt her feelings." I can understand, perhaps when you're single, but he is in a relationship now and it's time for this nonsense to stop. I even mentioned it to her Husband - like what's the deal with them - and he said they're buddies. No one at the Club agrees with me that this relationship is not appropriate. Everyone tells me that they're just friends. They all think it's acceptable!


At one point, Jack and I did not speak for two weeks - until she called me at work and left a voice mail. I called Jack to inquire why she was calling me - he is the only one that could have given her the number. He came up with about 10 different reasons every time I asked him. I also asked her and told her what Jack said to me and she said that's not why she called, but never mind. Quite frankly, she was calling to confront me because I told her friends that Jack and I broke up and that it was fine with me because there is 1 too many people in this relationship.


He came over to speak with me and we discussed the Other Woman. I told him that I knew I could not break up his friendship, so now, I can receive as many calls from guys, up to five times a day, and he cannot say anthing! He was okay with that!


That lasted a week, until I finally said, why does she keep calling you! This is a married woman! I finally lost it and confronted her. Her Husband and all of her friends ganged up on me and treated me like I was crazy.


However, now, the Husband has finally put a stop to all of the calls - and I need to move on and realize that Jack and I cannot work things out.


I am soooo angry though that I allowed this to go on for so long and I feel like such an idiot! Why would this woman be more important to him than me!

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Audmc911 - someone please read and reply! I posted as a guest! I really could use some feedback and moral support! I feel like an idiot!

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