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It Never Fails...

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I've been seeing a woman for a little over a month now. I have known her for about two years, and our relationship just sort of morphed into us dating. I love her, she loves me, it's awesome.


Then there is this other woman who I have gone around and around with. She is incredibly hot, and exactly my type physically. Brunette, BUILT, long hair, long legs--she's got it all. She is totally crazy though. Even though she is crazy, I wanted her so bad it ached sometimes.


So last night the brunette stops by unannounced after work. We chit-chat for awhile, and then it gets into why I don't call her very much, I seem distant, blah blah blah. Then she gets all jealous of my girlfriend (they know each other), and starts comparing how I treat my girlfriend to how I treat her. I can tell from the way the conversation that she doesn't quite get that I am in a relationship with my girlfriend.


So then she comes over and kisses me, grabs me, and says that maybe we should "take our relationship to the next level." WTF? Now she wants to have sex. Super.


I pushed her away and said that I am with my girlfriend, and that I love her and that's that, and she had better leave. She tried again and I almost had to hit her to get her off of me. Finally she did leave in a huff slamming doors and whatever.


This whole challenge thing is just nutty. That has to be why she wants me all of a sudden. I am not as available emotionally and not available at all physically, so now I am the object of desire, I guess. Stupid.


I think I should tell my girlfriend what happened (not the details, though) so she knows how the brunette feels and also to make sure she knows what happened for when they run into each other.


That's the right thing to do, correct? I don't want to hurt my girlfriend because of this nutty crap, but I don't want her to get blind-sided with the whole thing, either.

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Pink Amulet

You seem nice enough. I think you should tell her. I would want to know.


I do think you should have mentioned she was your girlfriend sooner though...

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this is the way it always is, once you get into a relationship all of a sudden girls want to hook up with you and don't want to take no for an answer. i wonder why they always have to wait til your seeing somebody?


if i was you i'd tell the gf what happen, its the right thing to do

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Yeah tell your GF.


As long as she's not the type to take her rings off and tell that beyotch she better back down befo' she get smacked down. But barring that, if she's a rational person, it's always good to have this kind of info.

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I told her about my girlfriend the day after we decided we are dating. Like I said, she didn't seem to get it. I think in her mind even though I am in a relationship I would dump whoever to be with her. Totally wrong on her part. I think I am going to marry the woman I am with now. I haven't told anyone IRL that, though.

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My girlfriend is so sweet she would call the brunette to see if she was ok, and to smooth things out, if it came to that.

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Pink Amulet

Awww, she sounds lovely, and so do you! Definitely tell her. Get everything out in the open :) That way if this "crazy brunette" ever said "Well I kissed your boyfriend!!" your girlfriend would know the facts.

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That has to be why she wants me all of a sudden. I am not as available emotionally and not available at all physically, so now I am the object of desire, I guess. Stupid.


She figured she could get you whenever she wanted to so she just left you dangling. And now can't believe that you'd choose someone else over her hot self. I know the type. :rolleyes:

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Tell your girlfriend! She'll be quite happy to "have the guy that the other women can't keep their hands off of."


:D Good Luck!

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