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Sex Addict or Selfish Slut?

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i agree with crazy girl. what 20 year old looks at a 15 year old and seriously wants a meaningful relationship. thats like a junior in college looking at a freshman in high school or worse, an 8th grader. YAY therapy! for both, and the child. That child may need it more, shes not growing up in a healthy household, bottom line. If and when you divorce, it will get worse for her and nothing you tell her will make a difference.

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iono wut ur thinking. thas the meanest most shadiest thing u culd do to a man that loves you. and to ur kid. cheating on someone doesnt mean you love them there is no excuse for that in your defense. u need help. u have no idea how much it hurts to be played like your doing. he trust u and u constantly break it and he doesnt even know. do him a favor and leave.

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May I say that if you were deeply in love with your bf you would not be having sex with other men.


That being said I think you need to talk to someone about how to get a fresh new start on your life.


I don't like the term *slut or whore*. It would not be fair to call you that name or any other in my opinion.


It seems men mostly give out that name to women . But what name do they give men who do this ?

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i agree with crazy girl. what 20 year old looks at a 15 year old and seriously wants a meaningful relationship. thats like a junior in college looking at a freshman in high school or worse, an 8th grader. YAY therapy! for both, and the child. That child may need it more, shes not growing up in a healthy household, bottom line. If and when you divorce, it will get worse for her and nothing you tell her will make a difference.


The 20 year old actually took the relationship seriously with the YOUNG 15 year old. So here is the perfect example of a guy who wants something meaningful from a young person; they aren't all just about sex!


Originally Posted by SoleMate http://www.loveshack.org/forums/images/red/buttons/viewpost.gif

The OP is sincerely asking for advice, so I'm very disappointed by those who have responded with taunts and name calling.


Then what should we do? Agree with her behavior? It's people like you who try being nice and calm, which only henders you from giving accurate advice. Some people need advice to be beaten in their heads. I mean, this woman knew that her behavior wasn't acceptable in a relationship, yet she continued along with it. How can you watch yourself hurt the people you love and YOURSELF and still do these things!? I guess YOU should consider getting YOUR rhetoric together before adding your 2 cent.


So LIKE I WAS SAYIINGG!! You should get your life together. Don't be selfish. Let this man decide what he wants from all of this. But if you don't truly love him, you shouldn't be with him in any scenario. What more can I say?


People who try and help people like you (OP) by being calm and nice are only being negative and selfish - yes, I said it! Stop trying to make a good name for yourselves and be honest with people. Now I'm not saying you should just be down-right-nasty with all patients on the forum, but you should deal with them on different levels. You should know when to be relaxed and when to be more active on a situation.

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The 20 year old actually took the relationship seriously with the YOUNG 15 year old. So here is the perfect example of a guy who wants something meaningful from a young person; they aren't all just about sex!


It doesn't matter whether it's all about sex or about looking for commitment, companionship, whatever. A 20 year old adult should recognize that a 15 year old does not have the maturity and judgement necessary to enter into that kind of arrangment. If I go find a 15 year old and get him to marry me without ever bringing sex into the picture, is that okay? It's still taking advantage of a minor.


As for the rest of your post, most of your comments are just so ridiculous that they're not even worth disputing.

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It seems men mostly give out that name to women . But what name do they give men who do this ?

Manwhore? :D
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If they do split up as long as the child still knows that s/he is loved i dont see why it would mess the child up.Both parents would still love the child just as much.Just because the two parents are not in love anymore that doesnt mean that the child isnt loved.


Yeah, if my mom cheated on my dad multiple times, when I got older I'd think she was a whore, bottom line. I'm not saying the child is gonna be neglected, but still

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It seems men mostly give out that name to women . But what name do they give men who do this ?



Why is BS like this said? If its a guy, he'd be called an a-hole, if its a girl, its whore. Both men and women have derrogatory names you can refer to them by, some can apply to both genders, some cant. Its the way the world works.

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Ok I don't remember what was the
's name and well I did read her thread like a week ago, only I didn't really answer b/c I didn't want to run of lines and wasn't in the mood. As for the poster, let me tell ya, as much as I hate cheatings happening, it does and will always occur, I'
not gonna waste my precious time judging you for your lack of morality/values/truthfulness nor calling you names, no point in venting like some of the people did. If I vend, I usually create my own threads,
you won't ever hear me calling you derrogative names.


In fact you are accepting you did make mistakes, this is the first step, the next step would be actually getting help and seek seriously counseling. To one poster I read, nope, just because you cheat on someone does not mean that you don't love your child. The love of one's child has nothing to do with thw person who is hurt, they are two different things, varying components that should not in any way be compare. The child doesn't have to know her mother's sexual craves, even
, it's still her child. As what she should do, I woudl say stop the sexual acts with her husband and quickly get tested for STD's.


Yes, this is never important, you don't know what type of diseases you can catch form the other men you had sex with, they may had sexual partners as well. If you are sure you don't plan on meeting random men for sex and do come clear on the test, continue refraining from having sex with your husband and do a check-up in the next 6 months. If do come out clear again and you truly want to stay with your husband and not EVER do those things again, keep it as untold, though I would highly suggest you do tell you hubby. If he's willing to work it out after that, then I suggest both of you seek couple counseling and you seek a sexual therapist.


I do agree that since you were only 15 when you had your first relation and he wa salready 20, he did took advantage of your innocence and stunt both your mental and emotional development, thus you had no coccept of what are the components found in a relation, you were very young indeed. He could have gotten in trouble at the time for statuary rape. A 15 year-
can be mature but can't never have the mentality of a 20 year-
. Thus, that became the major reason why you started to develop the impulses/urges to spray around. You're mentality trapped in a young teen's mind with the body of a grown woman, but it's like you haven't completely developed.


Finally, if you do not wish to continue the relation, please do tell him the whole truth and divorce him.


Well, I wish you the best, you can wirte to me if you need more help, I won't judge you!!!!!!!!!!


C.P. (my inicials of my name)

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