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My girlfriend was premiscous.....

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When I met my girlfriend she was sleeping around...We were talking and I slept with her. I was staying over her place for about a week but when I needed to go on a business trip she slept with one of my friends. When I got back to town, I called her up and we hung out and she saw an old friend at the mall (another guy). She recieved a phone call later than night and told me she had to run. I waited for her but I had the strangest feeling that she was sleeping with the guy who had called. When she got back we made love. I went back home. I tried to call her but she avoided me. I found out that she was going with one of my friends. I left her and him alone. (We weren't going out at this time.) I later caught up with her about 5 months later. And we began talking again. We hit it off and once again I began sleeping with her. I had no feelings for her so I introduced her to two of my friends. They both slept with her and later we had a threesome. Then one day I spent the night with her and she told me she loved me and that she had always liked me but she just thought that I was a player. I asked her out and she stopped sleeping with everyone, she was faithful. She said she has slept with 40 people (i've only been with 12) and that she is ready to settle down. We continued to have sex and eventually she became pregnant but she later had a miscarriage. She says she loves me and that she's never been a relationship this good. But I don't know what to do, I love her.....but I can't take the fact that she has slept with my friends and so many people.........someone please help me.:lmao:

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Wow... you've got a lot of soul searching to do. This relationship started off so abnormally, I don't know if you could ever make it feel normal.


Can you handle the fact that you might marry her, have kids, settle down, and all the while your buddies thinking...."I had a piece of that". ?


Ultimatley, the decision is yours to make. Take your time and give it lots of thought.


Good Luck.

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No one can tell you for sure what you need to do, it has to be your own decison. IMO, the relationship didn't sound to healthy to begin with.


"When I met my girlfriend she was sleeping around."


"We talked and I slept with her."


"When I had to go on a business trip, she slept with one of my friends."


"I had the stangest feeling she was sleeping with that guy who called."


"Got back together after about 5 months and I slept with her."


"I introduced her to two of my friends, they both slept with her and then we later had a threesome."



I'm sorry hun but some of this that went on, you allowed. You knew she was doing some of this. Also theres nothing you all seem to have in common at all, other than she has slept around, you still sleep with her, had a threesome, etc. Sounds like its a relationship based on pure sex. It has to be your choice, but neither of you should marry until you both grow up some more and find out what a real relationship is about. JMO.




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Then one day I spent the night with her and she told me she loved me and that she had always liked me but she just thought that I was a player.


How can this girl say that with a straight face? she seems to f*ck anything that moves, lol. Not to mention she takes you introducing your friends to her as "heres some new people to screw" Honestly, if you are ok with having a chick like that, then all the power to you, but i cant comprehend how anyone would be ok with that, everytime i did it with her i'd think "wow, she did it with all my friends"



and trust? how can you trust someone that sleeps with random guys she meets? sorry but, if i were you i'd do whatever you need to do with this girl and drop her. Im sorry about the miscarriage but thank GOD, do you really want to have a child with this girl? i wouldnt want children from someone like that

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This does sound doomed to eventual failure... UNLESS you can spend a LOT of time talking openly about your feelings about her history with her. The fact that she's had sex with some of your buddies really is going to be tough to stomach in the long run. It's those quiet moments those things will come back and haunt you. I've got a very graphic imagination and really wish I didn't know some of the stuff about my fiancee's past. It actually make me feel physically sick sometimes.


Good luck, and share your feelings.

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Dude you are a joke! How can you blame her for f***ing your friends when you are the one who introduced them to her and in fact you also had a threesome with her and two of your friends!!! You are just as sleazy if you ask me!

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I hate to break the news but...SHe ain't your girlfriend. NEver was, actually. She was a girl you slept with and unfortunately fell for.


Learn from it. Don't resent her and don't grow bitter and judgemental.




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I'm sorry but you should never EVER start a serious relationship with someone that you started f***ing to begin with. I haven't met a single person who has has success with that.

If you love her back (which I Don't see how...) then its going to be hard. but in all honesty, you should 100 percent NOT be with her. You could meet so many more people that haven't had sex with 40 men. How could she say she liked you but thought YOU were the player?? She probably has problems that you will see seep through later in your relationship IF you continue to date her.

Please seriously consider this advice and any other that people have given. I'm sorry but I just can't see this working. Especially if you want to bring children into the matter.. too many inappropriate fights, right?

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Why on earth did you ever get serious with this girl to begin with? I wouldn't bring kids into this relationship until you are certain of it's stability. I don't mean to sound cynical but this relationship started off as a total dysfunctional nightmare and I don't see this ending well.

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