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older guy with kids and jealousy

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My boyfriend and I have been dating for about two years and have been living together for about one year. I'm 19 and he is 27 but we trully love eachother. He has three kids (10, 8, 6) all from the same girl and she was also his first love and first girlfriend. They never married, and have been seperated for about 6 years. The kids love me and even though his ex hated me for a long time in the begining, even she is warming up to me. She also has another kid from her current boyfriend with whom she lives with. Her and my boyfriend never get along they are at each others throats all the time. I used to get mad that he was so mean to her, even though she is a bit crazy. (she broke all the glass windows in our house and car.) But now they are getting along. not great but they actually talk normal to eachother. From the start of our relationship we have had nothing but trust, we could talk about everything, we hardly ever fight because we communicate so well. :love:


But Now this last month I have become so jealous. everytime he talks to her I get so pissed. I try not to show it because I know he just talks about the kids, but she doesn't. Last week she claimed she had a cold and was whining to him. it was like she wanted him to feel sorry for her. She said whineing "I feel so bad you should come get me and take me to the doctor," laughing trying to be cute. Although he hung up because he doesn't put up with her crap it pisses me off that she acts like that.:mad:


she has her own boyfriend to whine to so get off mine. then to make me even more pissed she called later that night saying she wanted to go out if we could watch the kids. (I love them to death so I didn't mind) He told her, well i thought you were sick and she replied oh well i haven't gone out in a long time. Everything she says gets under my skin. she had the nerve last month to go around telling everyone that she meets up with my guy every wednesday, I know this isn't true though becasue, HELLO we live with eachother and he never goes out with out me. He works on the rigs 3 hrs away every other week so when he is home he spends all the time with me. I know this just isn't insecurity because she is not pretty in fact she weighs about a hundred more pounds than me. So what is my problem why am i so jealous of someone that i know i am better than. It is just getting to me because sometimes i get upset with him when i know it is not his fault in any way, I NEED HELP, PLEASE SOMEONE :(

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You have to learn to let this go. You were fine before so remain fine. Tell yourself that it's not your job to rule how others are allowed to behave. She's not impacting your relationship, your bf isn't falling for her tricks, so you must do the same. Ignore her. Find a hobby or do some extra things with the kids - whatever it takes to get your mind off her.

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