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Just because I like people to have a little hope...

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Tonight I met a couple celebrating their 16th wedding anniversary. Then they said they had been together for 20.... except for that 6 months they broke up and she dated someone else. During that time apparently, she kept tell her new guy how great the other guys was and her now husband was trying to figure out what she saw in the new guy. They were laughing about it, and saying how it really showed them what the relationship was. So... it happens.

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I just have to say the way they were talking about it.... well you could just see how it must have been tough at the time, but in that way that down the road turns into something you can't HELP but have a laugh at.

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Thank you so much for such an encouraging thought...my bf of 13 months broke up with me last night, and it's been soooooooooo incredibly hard. However, we are giving it another shot, and we are both making the changes that we feel should be made in order to be together. I love him so much, I will do whatever I can to not blow this precious second chance.


Thank you again for an uplifting thought in this turbulent time.

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I think its rare. It does happen and I know people personally that it has happened to. Ive spent to much of my life wanting something that didnt want me. I cant sit there after ive been kicked to the curb, and wait for them to turn around and pick me back up.


I get back on my feet. I move forward, and go on without them. If they want it back, they are gonna have to chase me, and I wont be easy to catch.

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I get back on my feet. I move forward, and go on without them. If they want it back, they are gonna have to chase me, and I wont be easy to catch.


Everyone on this board (me included) should have this tatooed on the inside of their eyelids! :-)

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So... it happens.


It only happened because he held a torch for her. I bet she has him by the balls now.

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It only happened because he held a torch for her. I bet she has him by the balls now.



Uh- did you read the post? She held a torch for him as much as he did for her. And after 16 yrs marriage and 2 kids they seem just peachy keen if they can laugh about it. That doesn't sound much like she has him "by the balls". Sounds more like a youthful mistake that eventually resolved itself for the better.

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Uh- did you read the post? She held a torch for him as much as he did for her. And after 16 yrs marriage and 2 kids they seem just peachy keen if they can laugh about it. That doesn't sound much like she has him "by the balls". Sounds more like a youthful mistake that eventually resolved itself for the better.


Whatever. That's them, not anyone else.


This sounds like a chick flick, but it's probably better than the new Superman movie that came out yesterday. Talk about a waste of money...

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Whatever. That's them, not anyone else.


This sounds like a chick flick, but it's probably better than the new Superman movie that came out yesterday. Talk about a waste of money...


Damn... I'm going to see that in a few hours...

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Damn... I'm going to see that in a few hours...


Sorry about that. *cough*


Don't let my opinion spoil your movie experience. Some people loved it. Critics gave mixed reviews, so chances are you'll enjoy it. I'm hard to please when it comes to movies, but that's just me.


Just trying to give you a litle hope. :)

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Sorry about that. *cough*


Don't let my opinion spoil your movie experience. Some people loved it. Critics gave mixed reviews, so chances are you'll enjoy it. I'm hard to please when it comes to movies, but that's just me.


Just trying to give you a litle hope. :)



Well- I saw it. Gotta hand it to Bryan Singer to make a movie that should have been horrid very entertaining. It didn't amaze me (a la X2) but it was good.


Except for Kate Beckinsale. Worst Lois Lane... ever. And that's saying a lot.

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Well- I saw it. Gotta hand it to Bryan Singer to make a movie that should have been horrid very entertaining. It didn't amaze me (a la X2) but it was good.


Except for Kate Beckinsale. Worst Lois Lane... ever. And that's saying a lot.


X2 (along with Batman Returns) is probably the best of the bunch.


I thought they chose the wrong person for Lois, too.


Considering how many times they changed directors before the movie even got off the ground, it's a miracle the movie turned out the way it did. Wish they could've started from scratch, though, like they did with Batman. Story could've been better, but that's Hollywood for you. Too much money on the line to make something that doesn't insult a geek's intelligence.

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