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Blast from the past - ex SO contacts me out of the blue

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It turns out he has an account on it. He has posted his age younger and has all these girls including a stripper type. I clicked on her page and he is on her top 8 just like how she is on his so that has me all bugged out. I cried when I first saw it and was up all night which is when I posted here but then I got over it. I mean I haven't been in his life for 2 years.



Wow. What an interesting development your story is, Fun2Bme. I'm struck by this comment though - and I think you were, too - that even after 2 years you can still be affected to the point of tears. It's not even been two months for me since my break up, and here I am being glad that at least some days are OK, and I'm looking forward to the idea that at least in a year's time it will be all the in the past and I'll be healed, blah, blah, blah.


I guess this is what most scares me about second chances, and about keeping in contact with the ex in general. You can be minding your own business, think you've healed and then poof, they show up in your life again and all these emotions get stirred up again and well .... In any case, I sincerely hope this turns out to work great for you, if that is indeede what you want. I have a difficult time thinking that people really change, but I guess you never know. This is all very interesting. Please keep us updated as to future developments. And please do be careful. I would hate for you to get hurt yet again. Take it slow, kid.

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Wow. What an interesting development your story is, Fun2Bme. I'm struck by this comment though - and I think you were, too - that even after 2 years you can still be affected to the point of tears. It's not even been two months for me since my break up, and here I am being glad that at least some days are OK, and I'm looking forward to the idea that at least in a year's time it will be all the in the past and I'll be healed, blah, blah, blah.


I guess this is what most scares me about second chances, and about keeping in contact with the ex in general. You can be minding your own business, think you've healed and then poof, they show up in your life again and all these emotions get stirred up again and well .... In any case, I sincerely hope this turns out to work great for you, if that is indeede what you want. I have a difficult time thinking that people really change, but I guess you never know. This is all very interesting. Please keep us updated as to future developments. And please do be careful. I would hate for you to get hurt yet again. Take it slow, kid.


LaraV if you think you can handle the update, see my new thread at http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t93960/. I thought having the myspace account was bad enough, but then when I looked into that female girl and found out she does sex webcam service he pays to watch, it was opening a can of worms.


I really thought I was over him and could handle seeing him again, form a relationship even if on a friendly term which I was thinking would happen. After two years and having moved on, I am a total wreck right now.

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