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I think my guy lie to me!


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I was looking for a web adress on my guy's computer,when i saw an a web adress to a Cindy Crawford site. I don't have a problem with my guy trying to look at Cindy,it's just that he also had a website adress to a dating service and pornography sites.


I asked him about it and he said that he was trying to find Cindy Crawford's site so he typed "pretty Girls" and that's how the dating site came up. I don't believe him because he would have type cindy's name instead of "pretty girls". He said he didn't know about it.


I felt hurt because i think he lied to me. He then said that he feels bad for letting me down and that he has a guilty conscience. Do guys look at other women on the internet for fun or because the really want to hook up with someone else?

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If you're going to go through his computer, then you need to be prepared to handle whatever you may come across.


I don't think there is anything wrong with him looking at a few porn sites or looking at cindy crawford online. I'm a girl and totally straight yet I've looked at pictures of many female fashion models online. And some of the pictures I've come across end up being half-naked.


I also have a few websites bookmarked with Brad Pitt (he's so hot!) on them...and my boyfriends never had a problem with it.


Don't worry about him lying to you about it...he was probably just embarrassed. I don't think you should break up with this guy over a few websites. But if you don't trust him enough (that's why this bothers you), you shouldn't be going out with him.

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YOU WROTE: "he said that he was trying to find Cindy Crawford's site so he typed "pretty Girls" and that's how the dating site came up."


Entering "pretty girls" in a search engine to find Cindy Crawford's site is like entering "vagina" to find the Grand Canyon site.


He may not be looking to hook up with other girls but he doesn't have the intellect to use a computer. Why don't you buy him a lawn mower and let him do yardwork for people in the neighborhood in his spare time?


Lots of guys, married, single or dating, enjoy an nice looking lady now and then but doing in on a repeated basis is not a good sign.


Go find a guy who puts "Cindy Crawford" into the search engine when he wants to find her site.

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YOU WRITE: "I also have a few websites bookmarked with Brad Pitt (he's so hot!) on them...and my boyfriends never had a problem with it."


Your boyfriends never had a problem with it because they know he has bad breath, he only takes a shower once a week, he wears his make-up on dates, he has four cavities he won't let the dentist touch, the cleaning lady refuses to step into his house it's so bad...how do you think he got his name...he is one of the Pitts.

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and I still wouldn't kick him out of my bed!

YOU WRITE: "I also have a few websites bookmarked with Brad Pitt (he's so hot!) on them...and my boyfriends never had a problem with it."


Your boyfriends never had a problem with it because they know he has bad breath, he only takes a shower once a week, he wears his make-up on dates, he has four cavities he won't let the dentist touch, the cleaning lady refuses to step into his house it's so bad...how do you think he got his name...he is one of the Pitts.

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