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Would you consider this wrong..?

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Say someone really messed with you and your boyfriend/girlfriend..tried to break you guys up because he or she was in love with your partner..

He/She called your SO often..telling them "we should just get together, it's fate...let's have a baby, etc" while you are involved with him/her...

To make a long ugly story as short as possible..

Although this person no longer gets in touch with your partner, you're still bent and just cant seem to leave well enough alone and want to screw with this person because of the trail of distruction they left behind, causing a lot of problems in your relationship.

Say you find out their email address...just happened to come across an old email he/she sent to your SO...telling them he/she loved him/her and taking the time to rip you apart in this email as well.

You memorized the email address. What could you do with this? Hmmm

Along the way, you found out that this person has an STD..one that will be with them for the rest of their lives and is contageous..

You start to think - Let me check out some STD sites and then happen to click on the "Email a Friend" link, or "Recommend this page to a Friend" link...then you think - Ahhh yes....I know who could really use this page.

You make up bogus email addresses and friend names as to who they're from.

Click send - and it's off.


Would you think this was just down right messed up or considered a payback that was wayyy over due?


Before anyone jumps the gun on this one - let me just make something very clear -

We are not talking about a "normal" crush things here with this other person - You are all adults in your mid to upper 30's.

Without going into extreme detail, let's just say that this person who was creating a lot of the problems between you and your SO...there is way too much detail and many many things he or she did, went out of their way to create problems within your relationship. Lies, threats, accusations, suicide threats to your SO because of him or her not being with them as opposed to you.

Just way too many things occured throughout, there isnt enough room to post everything on this board!


Now...do you think what you did was justified?

Afterwords you did get a small feeling of satisfaction...it would have been better if you could email it to people he or she knows, but none the less, you sent them directly to the source.

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I would say if this is something that happened awhile back and is no longer happening, let it go. If you were to stoop to the same level as the person who orginally caused problems to begin with, you're probably no better. Why act like they did, childish? Also if this is something that happened awhile back and has damaged the relationship still, then perhaps its not a healthy one to be in. JMO.

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It's tempting to want to take revenge, I know. I just went through this with my ex. JackJack is right - you will be stooping to their level and you should let it go - as hard as it is. Have faith in God that "what goes around, comes around." Hopefully, that will make you feel better.

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It's hard to let things go especially if that wacko was still in contact with you SO. My ex's girlfriend who he has been with for a year now, was always on the look out for our break up, and took even the slightest opportunity..It gets to me so bad still, and only time will heal everything that I feel.


If this girl was still doing this I would go to her and say something, and sometimes revenge is what makes us feel better momentarily but all in all shes going to put two and two together know It's you and might pop up again.


Grrr the things wacko people do to their ex's, I haven't even gone out of my way to make his new gf look bad to him, well I haven't spoken to him in a year hahaha but shes stupid and pathetic and even if she hasn't done it in a while she still is.

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