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Star Wars Intern - Follow up

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Rocco Cranston

OK, I know most people on this board are going to (a) scream becuase I am still talking about this or (b) tell me what a jerkoff I am for what I am going to say or © both.


But I have no one else to turn to so I need to at least vent here.


I got some free tickets through work for a major league baseball game today...7th row...great seats...and I ended up going with this intern (we kept it low key)


Well we had 2 1/2 half hours and all we did was talk. No worries there.


I found out she left her car near the train near my house, so I offered to drive her to her car...which resulted in about an hour together in the car as I drove her (it was mostly due to traffic congestion)


When I got to the garage near the subway, she told me to drop her off (at the "kiss & park", although she tried to avoid reading that on the sign) and then said thank you for the ride and the tickets, enjoy your weekend and got promptly out of the car.


End of story.


My mind was thinking naughty stuff, but nothing happened...maybe because she didn't "stall" in the car or whatever, but thank God it didn't.


I am not bragging, showboating or anything...just sharing and asking for some thoughts.



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I am not bragging, showboating or anything...just sharing and asking for some thoughts.




Again tonight, I call BS. IMO, you're not looking for advice, but rather, some validation that this girl likes you. My sincere answer is 'NO', but take it or leave it. You've left many openings for an affair but she has opened none. Don't mistake going to an event as an 'open' to start a sexual relationship with you.


I'll bite my tongue on the rest, but I think you are really going to regret this.

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I said it before and I'll say it again. You're on a slippery slope, my friend. It's up to you to stop this. Doesn't sound like you are though. Going on this little "date" with her moved this in to a whole other category as far as I'm concerned.

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Rocco Cranston

Well I am having a hard time not thinking about her and enjoy her company. (the intern)


So maybe yes, I am looking for validation...even though I know NOTHING can ever become of it.


I will burn in Hell.


I have tried to make things work with my wife but it ALWAYS ends in a fight or big arguement. We seem to be f*cked.

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Well I am having a hard time not thinking about her and enjoy her company. (the intern)


So maybe yes, I am looking for validation...even though I know NOTHING can ever become of it.


I will burn in Hell.


I have tried to make things work with my wife but it ALWAYS ends in a fight or big arguement. We seem to be f*cked.



Obviously no discourse with you wife will come to some sort of understanding..............you've got someone else on your mind! There's no way you can resolve things with your wife when there are 3 of you in this marriage.........(and one, I should say, in involunatary).



I can't help but be judgemental here..................wtf are you doing??

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Rocco Cranston

I don't need to come here and vent...I am just doing so and doing so with my honest feelings--whetehr they are good bad right or wrong.


Maybe I am in the wrong forum, and that's fine


But I hate getting attacked for just being honest


Again, just telling you what is on my mind....

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Rocco, I read your other thread but didn't post. Now I read this one.


I don't think you need us to tell you anything. I agree with CG, you are looking for validation. I know it can be exciting even in a healthy relationship for someone attractive to be attracted to you, but this is where you have to stop yourself and be a friggin adult.


I think before you do anything further with you wife or this intern, you should sit down with a pen and paper, and figure out what it is you really want! Whether that be putting every effort you have left in your body into bettering your marriage, or calling it quits with the marriage and going to greener pastures. I might get jumped on for saying this, but this is what frustates the hell out of me when I read the OM/OW posts. People can't sit and figure out what they want to do with their relationship and their lives. Instead, they just jump into whatever feels right at the moment. This will not have a good ending, someone will inevitably get hurt, and it will most likely be your wife. If that is ok with you, then by all means go right ahead the way you are going. If you have half a heart, and really care about both of you going on with you're lives and both finding what your heart desires, then do the right thing, whether that is trying to make it work, or letting her go.


It is very childish and immature to go about an affair without thinking things through and realizing what the consiquences will be. You're not 16 anymore. You have a responsibility as an adult to make sure everything stays on the up and up. You made that commitment to your wife when you married her.


There is my 2 pennies! :)

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Rocco, I'm really disappointed in you. I think you're on the edge here. Time to make a choice about whether you're going to become a scumbag cheater or whether you're not.


I doubt your wife would be very happy about this. I suggest you tell her now before you do something she won't forgive. How can she possibly work with you to fix something when she doesn't know the extent of the damage?

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Rocco Cranston

NOTHING has happened.


She jumped out of the car when I pulled into the parking garage. Now granted, maybe an angel jumped in there and saved me, because who knows what I would have done if she stalled.


But bottom line, nothing has happened and it looks like it will not.


I'm sorry, this is weird for me too.

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My mind was thinking naughty stuff, but nothing happened...maybe because she didn't "stall" in the car or whatever, but thank God it didn't.


I am not bragging, showboating or anything...just sharing and asking for some thoughts.




I'm sure your mind was on naughty stuff. It's hard not to think like that on a date with someone who you've developed that kind of tension with. What is your next move going to be? It's got to be hard to date someone when you're married. I'm behind you on this Rocco. You just have to be clever about it. When you actually get things going with this girl, I hope you post updates.

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Rocco Cranston

ha ha funny dude...not.


Look, I know people here think I am a jerk....but they make some valid points.


Nothing happened, and maybe..ok definitely...it was good that nothing happened...because IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN IF IT DIDN'T HAPPEN TODAY.

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Nothing happened, and maybe..ok definitely...it was good that nothing happened...because IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN IF IT DIDN'T HAPPEN TODAY.



OOOooohhh my friend you are sadly mistaken


Look, I know everyone is on your ass about this. I tried to stay neutral and just give facts in black and white. I'm not judging you, but you are an adult and you must think like one.


Please don't lie to yourself and say that just because it hasn't happened yet means it wont. You must be on guard because as soon as you let it down, something will inevitably happen.

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I think before you do anything further with you wife or this intern, you should sit down with a pen and paper, and figure out what it is you really want! Whether that be putting every effort you have left in your body into bettering your marriage, or calling it quits with the marriage and going to greener pastures. I might get jumped on for saying this, but this is what frustates the hell out of me when I read the OM/OW posts. People can't sit and figure out what they want to do with their relationship and their lives. Instead, they just jump into whatever feels right at the moment. This will not have a good ending, someone will inevitably get hurt, and it will most likely be your wife. If that is ok with you, then by all means go right ahead the way you are going. If you have half a heart, and really care about both of you going on with you're lives and both finding what your heart desires, then do the right thing, whether that is trying to make it work, or letting her go.






Read and repeat.

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I'm disappointed to hear that nothing happened. This limbo bulls*** isn't going to sell very well.


More sex and violence, please.

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Rocco Cranston



What I meant was that it is obvious that this girl is NOT interested. Which is a blessing for me until I get back on track.


I am not looking to cheat, I am not looking for any girl....this particular one though, caught me by surprise. But today's action, or lack thereof, makes it clear to me she sees this relationship in a different light than I do.


And someday before it's too late let's hope I am thankful that that is how she sees this (meaning nothing happens)

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What I meant was that it is obvious that this girl is NOT interested. Which is a blessing for me until I get back on track.


I am not looking to cheat, I am not looking for any girl....this particular one though, caught me by surprise. But today's action, or lack thereof, makes it clear to me she sees this relationship in a different light than I do.


And someday before it's too late let's hope I am thankful that that is how she sees this (meaning nothing happens)


What do you really want Rocco? I'm just curious. You know not every A starts out with people hungry to go sleeping around. Sometimes, actually from what I've seen most of the time it is just people who aren't getting their needs met and find them being met by another.


If this girl went with you to an event, knowing you are married and the risk she is taking, and asked you to drive her to her car, then I don't think she is not interested. I hope I'm not giving you some kind of sick hope, but I'm just saying dont rule it out that shes not interested. If she knows your married she just might be tredding carefully. This was just your first time to go out, there could be another time. Each time you will find it easier and easier to. Look how easy it would have been tonight if she would have given you the opportunity to kiss her?


I think your missing the whole point here. I dont think you should be just looking at whether or not shes interested, maybe instead you should look at yourself. Why are you interested in someone other than your wife? Does it scare you that you saw how easy it would be for you to cheat? Does it even bother you that you are looking outside of your marriage? Would you be happier single?


Maybe you should do some serious reevaluation with your life.

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I am not looking to cheat, I am not looking for any girl....this particular one though, caught me by surprise. But today's action, or lack thereof, makes it clear to me she sees this relationship in a different light than I do.


This is what you say now, but what are you going to be saying when you two go back to your flirty emails. You've already asked her on one date. What's to stop you from asking for another one unless you decide to actually end it.


You can tell us that nothing happened all you want. I don't doubt you that nothing physical happened. But how would your wife feel about you taking this girl out? Would she be okay with it because "nothing happened". I still think you need to come clean to 1) let your wife know to what extent you're growing away from her 2) get this situation out of the realm of high school fantasy involving "does she like me or doesn't she" and into the reality of what really matters.


If you can't do that, file for divorce.


Sorry if you think that sounds harsh, but obviously nothing anyone is saying is getting through to you or you never would have gone on that date.

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Rocco Cranston

Crazy Girl,


I see what you are saying...to a point. And I will give it more thought.


BUT...like you said, nothing physical happened and IT WAS ME that asked if she wanted a ride to her car at the garage since it was on my way anways...so she wasn't really advancing anything....and then she just got up out of the car AS SOON as I stopped the car....doesn't really sound like a a girl who is looking to hook up...


I DID tell my wife about the emailing...and she was fine with it...she seemed a little concerned when I told her Friday's email count got to 85 emails and the day before was 77 total abck and forth.


The funny thing about this girl was she told me a story how she once went to a MLB game with her boyfriend and when the boyfriend got up to go to the bathroom a player on the team winked at her and waved her down to the field (she was near the bullpen). The security guard let her through and she ended up giving her cell phone number to the player....after she liked to the player and said her boyfriend was just her cousin.


She told me this story while her and I were at the game.

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Rocco Cranston

Well today was one of the weirdest days of my life.


My wife told me she was leaving me...and was serious. Turns out my general behavior to her has been prety rough...this intern crap just added to an otherwise big pile.


I have sunken very far...but by a miracle, she is going to give me a fighting chance...it was a very emotional day...painful for both of us...I am crying right now as I think about my selfish stupid thoughts about this friggin intern....how could i have been so stupid?


My wife is a million times better than the intern or ANYONE ELSE on Earth for me...I am one lucky MF to have her...


So this is my last post...thank you to everyone who took time to try to write some common sense for me....it never left the back of my head and thank God nothing happened with the intern....then it would have been over with my wife and kid for sure.


God Bless you all and thank you.



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Well today was one of the weirdest days of my life.


My wife told me she was leaving me...and was serious. Turns out my general behavior to her has been prety rough...this intern crap just added to an otherwise big pile.


I have sunken very far...but by a miracle, she is going to give me a fighting chance...it was a very emotional day...painful for both of us...I am crying right now as I think about my selfish stupid thoughts about this friggin intern....how could i have been so stupid?


My wife is a million times better than the intern or ANYONE ELSE on Earth for me...I am one lucky MF to have her...


So this is my last post...thank you to everyone who took time to try to write some common sense for me....it never left the back of my head and thank God nothing happened with the intern....then it would have been over with my wife and kid for sure.


God Bless you all and thank you.




I, for one, feel you are one lucky MF. I'm glad for you that you have been snapped back to reality and your wife is committed enough to stick through it.


You don't seem to be a bad guy, just temporarily sidetracked. Clearly your wife sees that as well........


I'm glad for you that you are able to work things out.........don't blow it.:)

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Congradulations! You have achieved something not alot actually do. You woke up before it was too late and before you ruined a really good thing. I for one believe that sometimes relationships have to go through rough times to bring you closer and open your eyes.


God bless you for the strength to turn around and make your marriage work. Hold her at night thank God for her. Kiss her and let it linger. Forgot for a second about the kids screaming in the background, about the cute intern, about all the problems, and just look in her eyes and hold her for a few minutes.


I wish you could stay and post and keep us updated about how things in your marriage are shaping up, but if you must leave then God bless and hope the best for your future!! :)

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May the force be with you, Rocco.



:lmao: :lmao: Funny

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