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Star Wars Intern - Follow up

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I will burn in Hell.
Perhaps, but in the meantime you have a rightfully pissed off wife to deal with. Good luck with your marriage and damnit all drop all thoughts of and contact with the intern.
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Glad you had your awakening before you screwed up really badly, Rocco. I hope you and your wife will work things through and end up happier than you ever have been.

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THIS is the prime example of my last post on cheating. You laughed, and now you see it playing out. One small step is ok right after another, because "I know nothing will happen".




Tell your wife now buddy. Be a f***ign man, and be honest with her. This is the breaking point where you need her strength and she need yours. You are ina PARTNERSHIP for a reason. You can come here and pretend that's honesty all you want, it isn't true honesty because we have no clue who you are personally, and hence our judgement has little impact on your behaviour. You can run away from our harsh words at any point to forget about them.


Talk to your wife, tell her EVERYTHING. Tell her your feelings, your thoughts, and your fears. If you don't do this now, your life will become a huge mess. You aren't a kid, there are no excuses.

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Rocco Cranston

I am coming back to post because I owe it to the people who have helped me.


I am fixing things with my wife...I was hit by a ton of bricks yesterday and woken up as to how good she is and how lucky I am.


Now....fast fortward to today.....I was in work for the early shift...got in at 3 AM....and I knew the intern would be in around 5 AM....


Well the intern got there early (no significance) and we were alone in my office for about 20 minutes. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happened...just friendly conversation....


But again, I felt "that feeling"....like I like her...the 7th grade bulls*** all over again.


But I would be a complete friggen fool to do anything....(OBVIOUSLY, I finally woke up to that yesterday)


All I am saying is I am a little disappointed in myself for still feeling some attraction to this friggin intern....I am NOT going to do ANYTHING with her...including email...and no flirting...no nothing...


This whole experience has been weird...ok, back to flirting with MY WIFE...gotta go for now!!!

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It's ok that you have an attraction to someone. Heck, I am still in what some call the honeymoon stage with my SO and I still am attracted to other men from time to time. I think it is perfectly normal and healthy. The mistake you made was you dwelt on it and it turned into more than an innocent attraction.


You can't take back what you did, you already invested some effort and interest in the situation, but it doesn't mean you have to keep it up. Focus on your marriage. Go to counseling if you must. Take some time off work and go on a little mini vacation with your wife. Just the 2 of you. If it gets to be too much and the attraction does begin to diminish, then change your job if you have to. It is all up to you.

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Rocco Cranston

Thanks, that is good to hear. This intern leaves in mid-August (about 6 weeks from now) so that will help.


I have found women to be attractive since I got married, I have just never "been attracted" to any of them....you know what I mean?


I went to far with this intern...thinking about her a lot and playing the flirting game a little (or a lot) too much at work...


THAT is what is changing...as well as the effort being made to my wife.

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I went to far with this intern...thinking about her a lot and playing the flirting game a little (or a lot) too much at work...


THAT is what is changing...as well as the effort being made to my wife.


Well then you are headed in the right direction. I don't think some people realize how risky it is to engage in what may seem innocent flirtation. I really believe you love your wife and you just got caught up in a fun fantasy. I think it's also a mind thing as well. You have built this fantasy up in your head and you have got to retrain your mind now. I hope you didn't think you would go back to work and look at the intern and think "Damn, she's one ugly mofo". You've just got to keep telling yourself and you love your wife and this is not what you want to do. Have you considered marital counseling? Or maybe even individual counseling would be good for you.

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Rocco Cranston

Oh yes...marriage counceling, individual councelling (just to have someone to talk to) and going to some AA meetings (haven't drank in 4+ years but they are good to go to)...


Bottom line, I need something else to focus on (and your point of reminding myself that I love my wife is a good starting point)


Yeah, I guess I was hoping I would look at her and not think she was pretty or something...but I saw her, smelt her perfume, etc. and the feelings came back...


I like your advice of just remembering I love my wife and that flirting with this kid is NOT what I want to do...

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