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He's running from committment!

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My boyfriend and I were supposed to get married in June of this year, but in December, after I had a deposit on my dress, the hall booked, etc, he said that he wants to wait until he is finished school. He will be finished his first year in December and then goes back for his second and final year from May until December of next year. My problem is that by then we will have been engaged for almost 4 years, and since I am finished school, I have also been supporting him for a long time. He lives in my house, barley pays any rent, eats my food, has me cook his meals, do his laundry, etc. I am feeling used and that if he doesn't commit now, he never will. I have proposed that he either marries me this April or maybe he should move out, and, so far, he is still sticking with his excuse that he wants to finish school. I don't know what to do. I love him, but I am so confused and frustrated!! Help me please!!

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First of all, i think you're dedicating way too much time and effort to a guy that's obviously not appreciating it! Why do you allow him to live with you and not pay rent? Marriage is supposed to be a partnership in which both people contribute equally to the relationship, and he's not cutting it. You should take the time to reevaluate what marriage means to you and whether or not this guy is going to cut the mustard.

My boyfriend and I were supposed to get married in June of this year, but in December, after I had a deposit on my dress, the hall booked, etc, he said that he wants to wait until he is finished school. He will be finished his first year in December and then goes back for his second and final year from May until December of next year. My problem is that by then we will have been engaged for almost 4 years, and since I am finished school, I have also been supporting him for a long time. He lives in my house, barley pays any rent, eats my food, has me cook his meals, do his laundry, etc. I am feeling used and that if he doesn't commit now, he never will. I have proposed that he either marries me this April or maybe he should move out, and, so far, he is still sticking with his excuse that he wants to finish school. I don't know what to do. I love him, but I am so confused and frustrated!! Help me please!!
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