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Co-worker friend avoiding me.

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Hi everyone.


I'm in a strange situation that I don't know where to start. I have a co-worker friend who I've established a decent relationship with over the past year and a half or so. Not a romatic relationship. He's about ten years younger than me and single. I'm a married female. We used to talk about many personal things, share thoughts and ideas and everything was fine. I've even helped out with his homework a few times. Then suddently last week, he's stopped talking to me. He won't even go near me ! It's at the point where he won't even pass me in the hallway. I have no idea what happened. He even expresses discontent when I'm in his workspace. I'm really angry and a bit upset about this as my job is not the greatest and he was one of the few brightspots.


As a side note, my husband works on a different floor. My coworker friend did mention to me that he saw my husband leaving work (these guys do not speak to each other at all). He asked me not to tell my husband he saw him. Telling me only that hubby was driving aggressively. I have no idea if this has any bearing on the fact that my coworker friend is now so distant with me.


Any help is appreciated. Good luck guys.

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Hi everyone.


I'm in a strange situation that I don't know where to start. I have a co-worker friend who I've established a decent relationship with over the past year and a half or so. Not a romatic relationship. He's about ten years younger than me and single. I'm a married female. We used to talk about many personal things, share thoughts and ideas and everything was fine. I've even helped out with his homework a few times. Then suddently last week, he's stopped talking to me. He won't even go near me ! It's at the point where he won't even pass me in the hallway. I have no idea what happened. He even expresses discontent when I'm in his workspace. I'm really angry and a bit upset about this as my job is not the greatest and he was one of the few brightspots.


As a side note, my husband works on a different floor. My coworker friend did mention to me that he saw my husband leaving work (these guys do not speak to each other at all). He asked me not to tell my husband he saw him. Telling me only that hubby was driving aggressively. I have no idea if this has any bearing on the fact that my coworker friend is now so distant with me.


Any help is appreciated. Good luck guys.


This all sounds very strange. Can you try sending your coworker friend a brief email? Keep it very short. Just say something like, "You seem upset. Did I say or do something wrong?"


The comment about your husband was very weird. Why should he care whether your husband knows he saw him or not?

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Could it be that your husband had words with the young man? Perhaps he took him to one side and said something - was he ok about your friendship with the young man?


Or perhaps he did something in the car? Was the young man driving also?

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I was the one who originated the post before I registered.


Yes, my coworker friend was driving his car and no words were spoken between the two of them. The two guys did meet briefly sometime ago and for some reason, my coworker didn't like my husband. If he saw me and him (hubby) together, he would make it so obvious that he was avoiding us. One time he was driving down the parking lane, saw us walking towards our car and he swerved out of the way. This has a long history. If he saw my husband anywhere in the office or in the parking lot, he would cross the lot to not walk on his side. I think seeing my husband on the road freaked him out. But now, it seems he's taken his avoidance on me.

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It's obvious that your H doesn't care for this guy so why are you wanting a friendship with him? There seems to be anger between your H and him and now it is spilling over to your relationship. I would say the guy has some feelings for you and by your post I wonder if you have some for him ( or enjoy thinking that he might ). I would just let it cool down and conduct it as a business relationship. I would say hello and keep it on a business level.

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It's obvious that your H doesn't care for this guy so why are you wanting a friendship with him? There seems to be anger between your H and him and now it is spilling over to your relationship. I would say the guy has some feelings for you and by your post I wonder if you have some for him ( or enjoy thinking that he might ). I would just let it cool down and conduct it as a business relationship. I would say hello and keep it on a business level.


That's what makes it weird. There are no romantic feelings involved. The guy would bring his gf problems to me and I would give him advice. H and I never argue about this. It's a non-issue to us. I definitely agree with the keeping distance.

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Keep in mind that I'm not so much answering based on the details of the OP but rather on the reactions we often see when posters mention that their SO has a co-worker of the opposite sex that they are friends with.


With that said...


Your husband came here, got some advice and has now proceeding to stalk your co-worker online, crack a few email accounts, accessed your co-workers personal information and either, directly or indirectly made contact and attempted to warn your co-worker away from "getting his claws into you."


Damn your cheating black heart.

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