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Hello to everyone, i've been experiencing the same things alot of you guys are going through, (Falling with your bestfriend syndrome)!!!!!


It seems like the majority on here, the falling for bestfriend thing turns out sour and they go straight to NC and nothing happens.....


My conclusion is for those that made it happen. Also vice versa, Did you guys ever stuck it out and won the person over??? Did it progress to anything more???? And how did you guys do it???


I've wondered if there are many people out there that fell in luv with there bestfriend and it wasn't mutual at first but turned out having the same feelings for each other later on buuuuut of course they don't come on here to tell about it.


Any advice will be greatly appreciated

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Dear guest,


I have posted some threads of what I am going through, Pretty much the same threads just wanted more advice. Well I am a guy who likes this girl a lot at work and She likes me but Just wants to be friends, I think. Well She always gives the title "Best friends" It's nice and all but I really want to be with her for the rest of my life besides friends. We chat through Aim and I will tell her I care about her and I couldn't live without her and all that and she feels the same way.. Doesn't that give away that I like her more than just friends? I wonder if she gets that I really do love her? I told her I love her. I don't know what to do personally, I can eitherjust be friends with her and move on and get a differen't girl but if she wants to be with me, she's going to have step up to the plate before I'm taken. She talks about marriage and having kids and I tell her the same of what the future will look like. See this marriage thing she bought up saying to me: " you can be this so and so at my wedding" And that kind of hurts me cuz the way I feel about her. After that said, I have gained an attitude, If you want me, come and get me. So now our conversations about marriage i say I'm going to have 20 kids and I am going to care for my wife. I also told her I might move to europe and she said well can I write you letter? And i said probably not a good idea because my wife might get jealous. And she replies: Ok I won't write you letters. And so finally she really asked if I am really moving and she asked: you planning to leave me? I said: No. And she asks: would you take me with you? I said: Yes, I couldn't leave you. She said she was thinking of moving away so I asked her: If you left, would you take me with you? She says yes. She said: but, you will change your mind someday, because your wife wouldn't like it. Anyway this is what I'm going through and I don't know what your whole case is but If your already in the friends zone, Just wait it out and remain friends, Then down the line, you may consider if you want to be with that person or not. Time will tell. Even though we talk about seperate lifes, I know I will be with her.. It takes time... Well lol thanks for reading my long story and Please reply back and talk to you soon.. Good luck in your relationship. - Killercards

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