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Pretty much just complaining about society...

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I can't believe some of the stuff I've been hearing recently. "Don't become friends with a girl you aren't interested in having sex with." At least 75% of my friends happen to be females and I'm telling you that the above statement is COMPLETE BULLSH*T. I'm sorry, it's just that all of this is annoying the crap out of me. Why must everything revolve around the sexual side of relationships? Teenagers (specifically guys), are usually all interested in relationships for sex. You might be surprised to find that this post is being written by none other than a 15 year old guy who is surrounded in social settings by sex-craving freaks.


Anyways, this might sound like an excuse, but that's not what I intend it to be. I feel like if it weren't for this society (all sex related and crap), that I might have had a better chance with the girl I love (see my other thread). I just don't see how people can be so obsessed with sex. Go ahead and say I have a disease, call me gay, see if I give a sh*t. At least I still have my dignity.


Basically, I don't care about sex. If it happens one day (once married), it happens, if not, no big deal.


Feel free to reply whether you agree, disagree, or don't really give a sh*t either way.

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I think you sound like a great guy. I have a daughter about your age and I hope she finds someone like you one day. You're right these days everything is about sex, even for the older crowd. You will be very happy you waited until you get married or meet the right girl. If more young guys thought like you did, there would be less teenage pregnancy and less STD's among young people. Good for you!!

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That, and they have no self control or dignity. It's pathetic...


It's not pathetic to the guys who are getting laid, unless the girl gets knocked up.


Dignity is the last thing on their mind.

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Once again, all about sex. Sure it's not pathetic to them. But they're the reason girls don't trust even the HONEST, non sex-craving guys out there...

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You just don't get it, do you? It IS possibe to be a guy who does NOT care about sex. I'm living proof. I just don't see how most guys can live with themselves knowing that they're the way they are

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Just because you're an angel doesn't mean guys should follow suit. Some guys would rather be devils and live in the here and now. Doesn't mean you have to follow suit, but why judge them?


I know where you're coming from, but I couldn't care less either way. For the record, sex isn't everything, but for many it's the only thing.


Just go at your own pace. That's all that matters.

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Why am I judging these people? Why am I judging these people? The answer is quite simple. They've judged me my entire life. They are people who are PATHETIC ENOUGH to laugh and make fun of my beliefs just to make themselves feel better.. THAT is why I'm judging them, because I am sick and tired of people giving me crap for remembering the true meaning of love. That's why.

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Just go at your own pace. That's all that matters.

WEST....you are witnessing the birth of another "nice guy". How beautiful, it brings tears to my eyes.

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...I am sick and tired of people giving me crap for remembering the true meaning of love.


And what is the true meaning of love?


By the way, I'd like to introduce you to Alpha, our senior expert on interpersonal relationships.

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I can't believe some of the stuff I've been hearing recently. "Don't become friends with a girl you aren't interested in having sex with." At least 75% of my friends happen to be females and I'm telling you that the above statement is COMPLETE BULLSH*T. I'm sorry, it's just that all of this is annoying the crap out of me. Why must everything revolve around the sexual side of relationships? Teenagers (specifically guys), are usually all interested in relationships for sex. You might be surprised to find that this post is being written by none other than a 15 year old guy who is surrounded in social settings by sex-craving freaks.


Most guys that agree with your above quote are not capable of having a friendship with a female. Its sad but that is the way that their brain is wired and chances are that they are never going to change. My advice to you is to let their comments go in one ear and out the other because you know from personal experience that it is possible to have a friendship with a female. I have female friends as well and it is not difficult.

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I have female friends as well and it is not difficult.

I had many female friends at 24 also. I don't anymore. I learned my ******* lesson the hard way.

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Once again, all about sex. Sure it's not pathetic to them. But they're the reason girls don't trust even the HONEST, non sex-craving guys out there...


2 things: You're a virgin and you watch too many romantic comedies.

It's not as simple as ou think it is. It's a jungle out there and love is a battlefield. You don't beleive me? That song came out in the 80s and still have my hair like I did back then.






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I had many female friends at 24 also. I don't anymore. I learned my ******* lesson the hard way.



And what BS lesson is that?


The differnce between you and I is the fact that I have never tried, nor will I to get into my female friends pants. I can seperate which women that I would prefer a friendship and what women that I would want to have romance with. Plus it is a sign of insecurity if a woman, or man is against there S.O. being friends with a member of the opposite sex and I won't be involved with any woman who is against me being friends with woman.

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Why try and pump this kid's head with this ignorant bull??? I am very proud of you OP! Thumbs up to you. If you keep thinking the way you do already, you'll probably grow up to be a gentleman in a fulfilled relationship with a woman whom loves you for you and appreciates that you actually love her for other things besides sex.


Unfortunately, guys older than you don't have the same mature insight! I'm glad to hear that there are boys your age that do think like you do. ;)

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Thanks buttaflyy, and unfortunately, there arent many guys my age who think the same way. And to the person who commented saying "2 things: you're a virgin and you watch too many romantic comedies", 1st, Is there a problem with being a virgin? So what if having sex isn't #1 (or even in the top 100) on my priority list. and 2nd: What the hell do movies have to do with any of this. Movies are generally optimistic bull of what never happens. I know that. But then again, why am I trying to explain this to you of all people? You seem to be a person who is all about sex yourself. This must be kinda embarassing coming from a 15 year old, but you just don't understand.

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You haven't experienced anything at fifteen, other than puberty and high school lunches.


But that's okay. You have plenty of time for adult entertainment when you go to college.

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I have said countless times, that I AM NOT INTERESTED IN SEX!!!!! Sure I haven't experienced any sex-related stuff.... but newsflash!!! I"M NOT INTERESTED!!!!

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I have said countless times, that I AM NOT INTERESTED IN SEX!!!!! Sure I haven't experienced any sex-related stuff.... but newsflash!!! I"M NOT INTERESTED!!!!


By the way, what are you trying to gain from this proclamation to the world?

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Well BM2092004, good luck to you.


So, right do I have this?


No Star Wars AND no Sex?????


To much for me that is.

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Pink Amulet

At 15, a lot of guys aren't interested in sex. You are thinking way to much for your age.... just relax. When some sexy, 16 y.o girl is trying to get in your pants you may be singing a different tune.


Just because you are interested in sex, doesn't mean you are any less of a nice guy.

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At 15, a lot of guys aren't interested in sex. You are thinking way to much for your age.... just relax. When some sexy, 16 y.o girl is trying to get in your pants you may be singing a different tune.


Just because you are interested in sex, doesn't mean you are any less of a nice guy.


I'd agree with PA, I like nice sex too. With nice girls.......

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My answer is simple. Most teen guys can't resist that kind of temptation, and that, again, is where I am different. I can say no. If i'm not interested (which I'm not), then it won't happen (until marriage, which is a completely different story that isn't even going to be discussed).

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